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Pure Greyhound....or Pure Saluki ??

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i think saying you dont need the greyhound is doing this great breed of running dog a grave injustice yes for hares the saluki every time i keep three of this cross myself but imo for anything else the greyhound blood will be there a lot quicker with more fire and drive to catch it s quarry .

I like your post mate, and I agree totally. Greyhounds are mega keen sighthounds in their own right. There are few decent lurchers about that dont owe a great deal to the greyhound. But I find it a bit sad that they are no longer field worthy in their pure form.

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My choice would be saluki every time and thats not baised on wat ive read in books but wat i have seen with my own eyes and imho a greyhound should only be used to produce first crosses then never use

You need initial speed in the blood be it from whippet or greyhound there has to be something in their mix to give the acceleration. Saluki blood adds stamina but if you can't put a turn on it before

I like your post mate, and I agree totally. Greyhounds are mega keen sighthounds in their own right. There are few decent lurchers about that dont owe a great deal to the greyhound. But I find it a bi

i been around dogs all my life and all my dogs av more saluki than grey in but years ago my great granfer so i been told he had a pure breed greyhound as many others did and they were best dogs they ever had but i think all the old dogs weather there greyhound or saluki, years ago they were al better than today because they got more of it

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Lets broaden the question a bit. If you like the big hairy dogs, do you breed cross to cross, or do you put a pure Deerhound back in now and again ? Simarly, if you like Collie crosses, do you breed cross to cross, or do you add a pure Collie from time to time ? I don't have a preference, I have Lurcher to Lurcher and 1st cross. Some,like Dan ,breed best worker to best worker and others like to put a Pure back in now and again. I used Greyhound and Saluki as an example, as these seem to be the most popular "base" breeds.



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wouldnt put pure breed in not now, done it a few generaitions ago but got speed about me stamina feet , would be going back the way to put pure in most i would go to is big whippet greyhounds ,and as for deehounds i would need to see it work before i touched it with a barge pole ,i saw a nice bitch down berwick but you dont no till there working , any way if you stick to dogs that do the bizznes ie forley cup winners or very good dogs , youll have a good chance of getting something good , as breeding is the start of any good dog then nurture entering,bredings a sceince so is clever hunting and knowing your dogs

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To be honest i'd be amazed in all honesty if there was as many 1st x Saluki /Grey's as there is made out to be...everyone and their fathers seems to have one but where are all the pure Saluki's? I'd bet my bottom dollar there is only a handful out there (pure Saluki's) doing a bit of graft and if EVERY 1st cross is bred out of those then i wish i owned one of them because i'd be a millionaire with the stud fees lol..ATB Andy. :thumbs:

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To be honest i'd be amazed in all honesty if there was as many 1st x Saluki /Grey's as there is made out to be...everyone and their fathers seems to have one but where are all the pure Saluki's? I'd bet my bottom dollar there is only a handful out there (pure Saluki's) doing a bit of graft and if EVERY 1st cross is bred out of those then i wish i owned one of them because i'd be a millionaire with the stud fees lol..ATB Andy. :thumbs:


I understand what you are saying, Andy, but I wasn't realy refering to First crosses, more to what you did to produce Don, for example. That is putting a "pure" back into a Lurcher line every now and again. Some like Dan and Whin are dead set against it, while others do it.



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dan edwards im giving people my opinion and i dont av bull crosses i dont like or rate them PST EDITED, CAREFULL WHAT YOU TYPE OR YOU WILL BE DELETED im giving my opinion on daytime oursing


I understand you were givin your opinion. Aint no big deal to me fella. I was just givin you mine.

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Lets broaden the question a bit. If you like the big hairy dogs, do you breed cross to cross, or do you put a pure Deerhound back in now and again ? Simarly, if you like Collie crosses, do you breed cross to cross, or do you add a pure Collie from time to time ? I don't have a preference, I have Lurcher to Lurcher and 1st cross. Some,like Dan ,breed best worker to best worker and others like to put a Pure back in now and again. I used Greyhound and Saluki as an example, as these seem to be the most popular "base" breeds.




Chart, I honestly believe that if I were to breed greyhound, deerhound, or saluki into any of my dogs that I own right now I would be taking a huge step backwards for what I do. Nobody will be able to convince me otherwise until they show me and I dont see that happening anywhere in the near future.

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To be honest i'd be amazed in all honesty if there was as many 1st x Saluki /Grey's as there is made out to be...everyone and their fathers seems to have one but where are all the pure Saluki's? I'd bet my bottom dollar there is only a handful out there (pure Saluki's) doing a bit of graft and if EVERY 1st cross is bred out of those then i wish i owned one of them because i'd be a millionaire with the stud fees lol..ATB Andy. :thumbs:


I understand what you are saying, Andy, but I wasn't realy refering to First crosses, more to what you did to produce Don, for example. That is putting a "pure" back into a Lurcher line every now and again. Some like Dan and Whin are dead set against it, while others do it.




If it works I'm all for it but I seriously doubt if a dog that was half saluki, greyhound, or deerhound could make it at my house. The saluki would run the other way, the greyhound would fall apart and the deerhound from what I've seen wouldnt ever get there so the answer has to be no for me.

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I DONT BELIEVE MYSELF , THAT THERES A NEED TO GO BACK TO PURE BASE BREDS OR PURE HPUND TYPES TPO FURTHER THE LURCHER LINE , ONE GOES BACK TO BASE THEN BACK TO HOUND THEtype his being genetically altered one way otr the other . Yes lines do peek at different stages but to go back one way or the other his only to suit for the misgivings or weeknesses of the line . tbe most suitable AND VIABLE WAY TO PRODUCE NOT ONE BUT INCREASE ON AVERAGE MORE ANIMALS PER LITTER THAT ARE ABOVE AVERAGE HIS BEST TO BEST ,HENCE LURCHER TO LURCHER animals with speed can be used from the line or with distant common denominator , and the same blessed with speed or even better both . base dogs cropping up and hound types will begot from jumping back wards this to me his not the foreward . tested times have not been more so than the non ped type whipp s of old and to see these with blistering pace and with stamina his only down to the fact that evolution goes forward not backkwards when strict regime of breeding his followed best to bes t, has nature does . atb bunnys.

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