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Can kill a fox in minutes,,

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f**k it brought me back to when I first whet hunting rabbits with Harry and the lads.


Last night I was dropping off a fare on the outskirts of Dublin, real dark and isolated area, when out of the blue appeared three young lads with dogs. They had been in a field and I copped them as they bailed the gate with dogs in tow. I stopped the car and reversed back towards them, like greyhounds out of a trap they were gone, lol, f**k it made me laugh.


No amount of calling or reassuring words could lure them from the darkness, smart little whores they were. I had left the lamp in the boot from the nigh before and when they saw the red filter they appeared out of the darkness lol, f**k we thought you were the old bill said the youngest lad, about 14yrs of age he was, but had a well lived in face if ya know what I mean, and he first question to me was,,, are ya selling that lamp, lol.


It was like taking a step back in time, these young lads were from old school stock and f**k I had my job cut out to stay on top of them, first lad offered me ten euro fro my lamp and the second lad gave him a smack on the back of the head and told him not to be insulting the man, he then offer me fifteen for the lamp,, lol,. It soon became apparent as to why they wanted my lamp, it was like turning back the clock and seeing me on that road, their lamp was made from a lorry spot light with a metal pole as the handle and wired up to a fucken huge battery, memories of the back and shoulder pain came flooding back to me as I watched the lad place the battery down with relief.


We spoke of the bull/hound that was tied to a rope, no collar just a piece of rope, that dog can kill a fox in minutes I was told as his chest expanded with pride, I has to ask the question, how many did it do so far?? To be honest he has yet to killed one , but,, I am telling you he is a real good dog on fox, Would ya give me fifty for him rolled off his tongue, I don’t need another dog was my reply, alright then thirty and he is yours, all I could do was laugh. The lads were rough as f**k and their runners bore testament to that, pissing with rain and them in fields with runners that they got for Christmas, I bet that they got the same hiding that I took on many a night after returning home from lamping mucked up to f**k with new jeans and runners on. I asked what way did they call a fox in, and the lad with the lamp rubber a piece of rubber against the lamp face, in the end I gave them a tenterfield whistle that I had made and f**k it was like giving them money, to say that they fought over it would be an understatement, fuckers went at it for real.


I have to say it was nice to see such young lads still willing to pursue their sport in such bad weather and so ill-equipped. But I have the eldest lad’s number and I promised them a few more callers and an old spare lamp that I have in the shed, the entertainment value alone was worth the lamp and callers.


Fair play to you mate, Most of the geniuses who come on here would more than likely be posting in moaning, calling them scum and chavs who have no place even owning a dog.


You've done a good thing mate, I hope 2012 is a good one for you :good: .

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f**k it brought me back to when I first whet hunting rabbits with Harry and the lads.


Last night I was dropping off a fare on the outskirts of Dublin, real dark and isolated area, when out of the blue appeared three young lads with dogs. They had been in a field and I copped them as they bailed the gate with dogs in tow. I stopped the car and reversed back towards them, like greyhounds out of a trap they were gone, lol, f**k it made me laugh.


No amount of calling or reassuring words could lure them from the darkness, smart little whores they were. I had left the lamp in the boot from the nigh before and when they saw the red filter they appeared out of the darkness lol, f**k we thought you were the old bill said the youngest lad, about 14yrs of age he was, but had a well lived in face if ya know what I mean, and he first question to me was,,, are ya selling that lamp, lol.


It was like taking a step back in time, these young lads were from old school stock and f**k I had my job cut out to stay on top of them, first lad offered me ten euro fro my lamp and the second lad gave him a smack on the back of the head and told him not to be insulting the man, he then offer me fifteen for the lamp,, lol,. It soon became apparent as to why they wanted my lamp, it was like turning back the clock and seeing me on that road, their lamp was made from a lorry spot light with a metal pole as the handle and wired up to a fucken huge battery, memories of the back and shoulder pain came flooding back to me as I watched the lad place the battery down with relief.


We spoke of the bull/hound that was tied to a rope, no collar just a piece of rope, that dog can kill a fox in minutes I was told as his chest expanded with pride, I has to ask the question, how many did it do so far?? To be honest he has yet to killed one , but,, I am telling you he is a real good dog on fox, Would ya give me fifty for him rolled off his tongue, I don’t need another dog was my reply, alright then thirty and he is yours, all I could do was laugh. The lads were rough as f**k and their runners bore testament to that, pissing with rain and them in fields with runners that they got for Christmas, I bet that they got the same hiding that I took on many a night after returning home from lamping mucked up to f**k with new jeans and runners on. I asked what way did they call a fox in, and the lad with the lamp rubber a piece of rubber against the lamp face, in the end I gave them a tenterfield whistle that I had made and f**k it was like giving them money, to say that they fought over it would be an understatement, fuckers went at it for real.


I have to say it was nice to see such young lads still willing to pursue their sport in such bad weather and so ill-equipped. But I have the eldest lad’s number and I promised them a few more callers and an old spare lamp that I have in the shed, the entertainment value alone was worth the lamp and callers.


Fair play to you mate, Most of the geniuses who come on here would more than likely be posting in moaning, calling them scum and chavs who have no place even owning a dog.


You've done a good thing mate, I hope 2012 is a good one for you :good: .


Have to say that the dogs were in good nick, fair play to them.

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50-30 euro's for an adult dog in good nick? sounds like it was, nicked.



I really dont think that he would have sold the dog, these were kids trying to make big in front of me, take the thread for what it is.


God you know the members so well on here Attack Fell Terrier.

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50-30 euro's for an adult dog in good nick? sounds like it was, nicked.



I really dont think that he would have sold the dog, these were kids trying to make big in front of me, take the thread for what it is.


God you know the members so well on here Attack Fell Terrier.


:rofl: What did I tell ya lol.

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