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best food to lure rats out off wall??

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Peanut butter and cat food, make sure you liquidize what ever you end up using, the rats have a habbit of running in, taking a lump of your bait and running off without giving you anytime for a shot, if liquidized they have to stay there and "drink" the food, giving you time to get your shot off :thumbs:

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they love the tuna. get a full tin of tuna but dont open it. put some tuna out of another tin on top of the unopen 1 next to the wall. do this for a couple of days but dont take anyshots. then on the third or fourth day puncture the tin with a nail or a knife. stab it a few times so the oil starts to run out. if you do it at the same time every day, an hour or 2 before dark. you will be surprised how they will feed quite readily in the day light. they will be more concerned about getting to the regular supply of tuna, than whos looking down the barrel of an air rifle. you might wanna knock a big nail through the tin on the last day, just so they dont drag the tin off in frustration. :thumbs: :thumbs:

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