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gypsy horse killed whippet

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just because it ain,t your type of dog you,d be happy for the horse to kick it, you are a cxnt

Mate i aint having a dig at you here but instead of wasting time yelling at a bunch of pikeys and getting more time wasted by the gavvers why the f**k werent you driving like a nutter straight to a ve

if thats the case go kick there f*****g heads in instead of venting your shite to members on here dont f*****g bother them just us on a hunting forum!

for one accident happen cant see the horse kicking the dog for no reason :no:


and as for inbred p***y this and that ect is not on pal ...............

Ok put a few things straight! Tedd your a c**t dogs dead and shouldn't be have some respect! And these fuckers are not pert of the travelling community as I have some good friends who are. they are dirty scum who live on a council site stealing what they can when they can. Horses been moved twice and fields fenced and gated still there! Would you feel the same if your child had gone through the gate and got kicked in the head.


if thats the case go kick there f*****g heads in instead of venting your shite to members on here dont f*****g bother them just us on a hunting forum! :censored:

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Glad you make the point mate that they ain't part of the travelling community cause it sounded like that's what you was saying.. And just be careful what you write in here mate if you have got plans to sort it out.

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for one accident happen cant see the horse kicking the dog for no reason :no:


and as for inbred p***y this and that ect is not on pal ...............

Ok put a few things straight! Tedd your a c**t dogs dead and shouldn't be have some respect! And these fuckers are not pert of the travelling community as I have some good friends who are. they are dirty scum who live on a council site stealing what they can when they can. Horses been moved twice and fields fenced and gated still there! Would you feel the same if your child had gone through the gate and got kicked in the head.



Like i say better not make a montain out of a mole hill with them then, If there dirty scum (Your words) things might just come back and bite you in the arse, Like i say sorry for your loss but really think it should be put down too one of lifes expercinces,



It anit the gypsy or any other mans fault for the unfortunte outcome of this just a sad accident , Atb T 7

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learn a lesson mate and move on its not worth the shit i lost a dog from running into a post on a farmers field..does not make it the farmers fault does it? i understand your pissed off but we run dogs in fields full of stock sometimes and shit will happen. sorry for the loss


yis wl :thumbs:

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You wanna know the worst thing! Police kept me there half hour pup on my arms blood comin from its nose and mouth still breathing but paralysed tounge hanging from its mouth in pain. While I was questioned about coursing on fields three foot high with crops. Quote" I know your not hare coursing but your still coursing arnt you?" No I'm walking my f****n dogs where I'm allowed to." But you were coursing weren't you? And watch your language or ill have you in"


What a nice copper, and prob the best out of the eight there.

Mate i aint having a dig at you here but instead of wasting time yelling at a bunch of pikeys and getting more time wasted by the gavvers why the f**k werent you driving like a nutter straight to a vet?

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it says you at to walk 3 miles home with the dogs in your arms why didnt you ask the police for a left home ffs :thumbdown: or a passer buy to get you to the vets ...................... :wallbash: find it hard to beleave they never let you get there with the dog in the state

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