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what is the magical start date of season

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soon as crops cut, ill be passing the farm machinery as they finish for the day :laugh:

done that lastnight dottydoo canny night to mate didnt catch much but had canny laugh with me pall think we past the farmer coming out of gate haha




soon as they down here ill get in touch wae ye mate, ye can have a look here :thumbs:

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not a date really,often hunted before it but in olden days as soon as the the first frost strikes is was game on ,

So would you agree with the killing of summertime hares preban,I've seen plenty dogs kill hares in summertime bit come winter they they couldnt get f***in close to them so were they good dogs, would y

So would you agree with the killing of summertime hares preban,I've seen plenty dogs kill hares in summertime bit come winter they they couldnt get f***in close to them so were they good dogs, would you fly your hawk at a female pheasant or partridge at this time of year when she's probably got a brood under her wing ,or would that come under hunter gathering or plain stupidity

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shame to knock your sport about for the season realy let alone leaving young to ground to starve to death,if its got to be done for pest control fair enough.

doga mate it depends what you hunting mate if you get me drift

i was up north other day on a permmision hunting trip when i came a cross shooters standing round edges of barley fields waiting for ground game to bolt away from combine well i take it thats not hunting out of season then ive also heard of this being dunn down thirsk way about two week ago must mean shooters do it any time as well

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I had a quik lamp last night to bag a couple for the ferts and ill keep up the short sessions untill September/October when we will step it up through till the end of March. Sharpens the dog up for when we start properly and untill she is fit enough for a good few hours of lamping. Also with last season being her first and only having done limited work I feel she will benefit from a few of the easy late summer rabbits.

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So would you agree with the killing of summertime hares preban,I've seen plenty dogs kill hares in summertime bit come winter they they couldnt get f***in close to them so were they good dogs, would you fly your hawk at a female pheasant or partridge at this time of year when she's probably got a brood under her wing ,or would that come under hunter gathering or plain stupidity

no offence brambels mate but if me hawk got hen pheasant while on her brood mate id gather the chicks up take them home rear on then kill and add to freezer mate as for the hares mate me dogs then not hare dogs and if they were now and it wasnt banned id still say the same mate filling the freezer to me is all that matters and before the ban all legal quarry was hunted to the best of my dogs ability my dogs are not pets pall and sentiment dont help feed them or me birds ive got a mini zoo here mate its like animal ark so all fresh meat is soon eaten

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i was bringing the dog on this year and feed the dogs rabbit so did all summer but i wont next year as now she is catching she has destroyed the population :wallbash: but i have just got a golf course so will leave the ground for a bit as plenty there.

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So would you agree with the killing of summertime hares preban,I've seen plenty dogs kill hares in summertime bit come winter they they couldnt get f***in close to them so were they good dogs, would you fly your hawk at a female pheasant or partridge at this time of year when she's probably got a brood under her wing ,or would that come under hunter gathering or plain stupidity

no offence brambels mate but if me hawk got hen pheasant while on her brood mate id gather the chicks up take them home rear on then kill and add to freezer mate as for the hares mate me dogs then not hare dogs and if they were now and it wasnt banned id still say the same mate filling the freezer to me is all that matters and before the ban all legal quarry was hunted to the best of my dogs ability my dogs are not pets pall and sentiment dont help feed them or me birds ive got a mini zoo here mate its like animal ark so all fresh meat is soon eaten

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So would you agree with the killing of summertime hares preban,I've seen plenty dogs kill hares in summertime bit come winter they they couldnt get f***in close to them so were they good dogs, would you fly your hawk at a female pheasant or partridge at this time of year when she's probably got a brood under her wing ,or would that come under hunter gathering or plain stupidity

no offence brambels mate but if me hawk got hen pheasant while on her brood mate id gather the chicks up take them home rear on then kill and add to freezer mate as for the hares mate me dogs then not hare dogs and if they were now and it wasnt banned id still say the same mate filling the freezer to me is all that matters and before the ban all legal quarry was hunted to the best of my dogs ability my dogs are not pets pall and sentiment dont help feed them or me birds ive got a mini zoo here mate its like animal ark so all fresh meat is soon eaten

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So would you agree with the killing of summertime hares preban,I've seen plenty dogs kill hares in summertime bit come winter they they couldnt get f***in close to them so were they good dogs, would you fly your hawk at a female pheasant or partridge at this time of year when she's probably got a brood under her wing ,or would that come under hunter gathering or plain stupidity

no offence brambels mate but if me hawk got hen pheasant while on her brood mate id gather the chicks up take them home rear on then kill and add to freezer mate as for the hares mate me dogs then not hare dogs and if they were now and it wasnt banned id still say the same mate filling the freezer to me is all that matters and before the ban all legal quarry was hunted to the best of my dogs ability my dogs are not pets pall and sentiment dont help feed them or me birds ive got a mini zoo here mate its like animal ark so all fresh meat is soon eaten

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  • 2 months later...

I agree September is a good start for the season,anyone going for serious kills through the summer months should be ashamed,as I've said before no one rates a summertime dog!!


Im new to the sport and i was just wondering why ?

because all the game in the summer months is carrying young or is young itself...just a waste and you would be killing your sport come the winter fella :thumbs:

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