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Barbed vs Barbless

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what do you use and why?

personally i only used barbed, this is because, believe it or not it is scientifically proven to be better for the fish. i also carried out this experiment in my fish husbandry course in school.

a barbless hook has the freedom to move around in the fishes mouth side to side and in turn causes a larger hole in the mouth. the barb acts as an anchor and prevents the hook from moving around, this creates a smaller hole than that of a barbless hook.

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Most places I fish only allow barbless. I don't find I lose too many fish due to them and they have the added benefit of coming out in the landing net and not getting stuck in the bloody thing.

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I use barbed when/where allowed. You get better bait presentation with barbless though, rarely bursting a Maggot with one. But try ledgering a Worm with a barbless :icon_eek:



It can be done quite easily mate, just push a small piece of elastic band on the hook after hooking the worm, holds it on nicely :thumbs:

Lots of people do think that barbed hooks are better because if you are hooked up to a big fish and the fight goes on for a while, barbless can come out and then rehook itself so some fish can end up with mutiple holes in their mouth. Personally i use barbed and crush it down with a pair of pliers, i think this gives the best of both worlds, Neil.

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I exclusively fish for Pike; I must admit that barbless hooks are the main feature in my box. Simply because if I do get a deep hooked fish I can remove the hook with minimum damage to the fish, yes it has happened in the past, not to often thank god, and I have no doubt that it will happen again, so with this in mind its barbless for me.

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