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About neilnbeanie

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Interests
    Catfish, Lurchers and Ferrets
  1. The big S plugs are definitely worth having, I found my most successful one was in a perch colour. But if I was going to go out and buy some lures now, I would get some of those rubber bulldawg lures. But for sheer good fun, you would have to add some topwater poppers and the heddon crazy crawlers. When a pike comes up to take one of those, it really can almost give you a heart attack, and I have honestly seen them glide across the top of the water similar to how a shark would. They do work better in the summer and when the water is flat calm. Silver and copper spinners can also work when noth
  2. I would love a 20lb+ cod off my local beach in Essex, or a 10lb bass. Although the ultimate for me would have to be a big Tarpon, from the Carribean on the fly.
  3. Mine was the same as a pup and I was told to try normal travel sickness pills, like what you would give to a child, worked a treat, after about 5 or 6 trips, I tried again without the pills and she was fine. Never had a problem since.
  4. No I would say it's right on her wrist, or if anything a fraction above it. Looking at her from a front view, the main swelling is on the outside of her leg.
  5. It's the joint just above her front paw. It's pretty much all the way round. It had started to go right down, but then she decided to come down the stairs this morning and jump the stair gate at the bottom of the stairs. She was then standing in the hallway holding it up and crying for a couple of seconds. It has now swollen up a bit again, but she is walking ok on it now. She just lifts it carefully if she changes direction in the house and sort of skips on her other front leg, if that makes sense. Neil.
  6. Thank you all for your advice, it's more information than I got from my vet. I will keep her on her lead now for a couple of months, although she is staring longingly at fields now, when we are out in the car. Is there any kind of support I can use for when I first start running her again? I just want to do it gradually, and I would be gutted if we went back to square 1 again. Thanks again for your help. Neil
  7. Cheers mate, the vet seemed to think she may have a thorn in it, although he couldn't find any wound. I think he just wanted to sell me a course of antibiotics. Maybe I'm just a cynic lol. He didn't really want to say what it was. The swelling is going down, I was thinking about taking her out on the lead in about a week's time for a gentle walk then slowly step it up from there.
  8. I was out with my lurcher the other evening, and as I let her off the lead, she shot off across the field in pursuit of something. She went out of sight, and was gone about 5 mins. When she came back, she was limping on her front leg,and she was covered in mud down one side, she had obviously gone over, so I took her home. Later that evening, her wrist on her front left leg had swollen up. So it was a trip to the vet. There isn't any fractures so she is now on anti inflammatory and pain killers. What I would like to know is, what is my best course of action now, as regards getting her running
  9. As a beginner, i dont think you would go far wrong if you made yourself up a bucket of bait consisting of, hemp, pellet, sweetcorn, boilies, whole and broken and luncheon meat. I would fish a simple running ledger rig and keep casting to the same areas using pva bags or stocking. If your not sure how to use these, no doubt there would be loads of demos on you tube. A light carp rod around 1.5-2lb test curve and there are loads about depends on your budget. Good luck. Neil.
  10. Cheers mate, loads of information on there
  11. Cheers mate, will give it a go, joined a forum the other night dedicated to freshwater and saltwater fishing around Essex, then realised the last post on the sea section was last year
  12. To be honest mate, thats why i put in the fact that i would be using a 9ft rod, as i was also thinking that it might be a bit too long and i was hoping someone would notice this. Will still give it a go though because its a favourite of mine, but i know i will probably end up getting something shorter
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