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any advice

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well lads.any advice on how to get rid a rats.me back yards full of them.i got a big tub of poison a few months ago for 99euro.it took there numbers down.but i still had rats.there numbers are after coming back now.i have 2 rat traps out the back garden and catching 2 rats most mornings.and its like im catching nothing.i used to have a few birds out the shed and the rats chewed true the cage and got at the birds.i have to keep my dog food in the house cause the rats will get at it in the shed.theres an old saying that rats would stay clear of ferrets so i put a ferret hutch in my shed but that didnt work.i have terriers and lurchers but they are in runs and i couldt leave a terrier loose because a the neighbours cats.i was watching a doc before about rats.rats breed the whole year round and one female rat can have up to 60 babys a year.so ye can imagine what kinda problem i have here

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well lads.any advice on how to get rid a rats.me back yards full of them.i got a big tub of poison a few months ago for 99euro.it took there numbers down.but i still had rats.there numbers are after coming back now.i have 2 rat traps out the back garden and catching 2 rats most mornings.and its like im catching nothing.i used to have a few birds out the shed and the rats chewed true the cage and got at the birds.i have to keep my dog food in the house cause the rats will get at it in the shed.theres an old saying that rats would stay clear of ferrets so i put a ferret hutch in my shed but that didnt work.i have terriers and lurchers but they are in runs and i couldt leave a terrier loose because a the neighbours cats.i was watching a doc before about rats.rats breed the whole year round and one female rat can have up to 60 babys a year.so ye can imagine what kinda problem i have here

get yourself a air rifle and sit up one night with a lamp should take care of a few every night

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well lads.any advice on how to get rid a rats.me back yards full of them.i got a big tub of poison a few months ago for 99euro.it took there numbers down.but i still had rats.there numbers are after coming back now.i have 2 rat traps out the back garden and catching 2 rats most mornings.and its like im catching nothing.i used to have a few birds out the shed and the rats chewed true the cage and got at the birds.i have to keep my dog food in the house cause the rats will get at it in the shed.theres an old saying that rats would stay clear of ferrets so i put a ferret hutch in my shed but that didnt work.i have terriers and lurchers but they are in runs and i couldt leave a terrier loose because a the neighbours cats.i was watching a doc before about rats.rats breed the whole year round and one female rat can have up to 60 babys a year.so ye can imagine what kinda problem i have here

trow some food in a neighbors garden every night :D

or get an air rifle for a bit of fun :gunsmilie:

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well lads.any advice on how to get rid a rats.me back yards full of them.i got a big tub of poison a few months ago for 99euro.it took there numbers down.but i still had rats.there numbers are after coming back now.i have 2 rat traps out the back garden and catching 2 rats most mornings.and its like im catching nothing.i used to have a few birds out the shed and the rats chewed true the cage and got at the birds.i have to keep my dog food in the house cause the rats will get at it in the shed.theres an old saying that rats would stay clear of ferrets so i put a ferret hutch in my shed but that didnt work.i have terriers and lurchers but they are in runs and i couldt leave a terrier loose because a the neighbours cats.i was watching a doc before about rats.rats breed the whole year round and one female rat can have up to 60 babys a year.so ye can imagine what kinda problem i have here

we had this a few years ago poison didn't work turned out they were coming from to doors down and just passing through our garden

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To be fair if it's that bad i'd get a professional or the council in mate, not worth the health risk!

be careful calling the council we had them round a few years ago turned out she was also the stray catcher nosey fkr she was wanted into ferrets ,dogs ,bins the lot was worse than the rspca thing is u cant complain as the council got rules on hut sizes ,dogs outside ect :censored: she even spotted the fish hooks hanging from the hedge :icon_redface: :icon_redface: :whistling:

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sound lads.im after makeing a few more rat traps so catching more of them now.i couldnt go to the council because i have 6 dogs and the council only leaves one dog in per house.they would be taking away on me

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Traps and air rifle as already suggested, you could also try changing your brand of poison, rats can build up an ammunity to poison so by changing the brand/type every couple of months you can help stop them building up an ammunity to it.

We used to change the brand of poison on the farm regular to keep on top of them when we had a problem a few years ago.

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