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After losing two due to shit technique,I grab them round the neck,head up,arse down and bring it from 6`o`clock to 11`o`clock,swing,then stop at 5 and they`re dead when the get dropped. Is there a reason why I shouldnt do it this way? Its not a brutal as it sounds.

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The trick is making sure your holding and pulling the HEAD down, not gripping on the neck and pulling that down. Personally I think its more fool proof to grip the rabbits head in front of the ears, rather than behind as in that pic. I've seen young girls do it, it really is so easy if your shown how.

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Ive got a mate whos 30 and has been ferreting with me for 2 seasons now and he cant kill a rabbit to save his life! Ive showed him a hundred times exactly how even had him practice on dead rabbits and hes still bloody useless. The look of amazement on his face when i pick up a netted rabit and drop it stone dead 2 secs later always makes me laugh. Just practice on already dead rabbits untill you have the knack, its very easy once you have done it a few times. Its not a matter of muscle power, more knowing how to do it.



My Ferreting partner is exactly the same.... showed him a million times.......he CANT kill a Rabbit in the Net :no: and still does the HONG KONG FUEY CHOP :doh: so now, he just hands them to me.

Another strange thing he USED to do was straight after i had placed the DEAD Rabbit on the floor was try and take it straight out of the Net.....often the Rabbits claws left there mark on his hands :no: FFS...THE RABBIT IS DEAD AND GOING NOWHERE :no::no: leave its nervous system to shut down then it is simplicity in itself to pull the 2 rings apart and take the Rabbit out of the Net :thumbs:

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The trick is making sure your holding and pulling the HEAD down, not gripping on the neck and pulling that down. Personally I think its more fool proof to grip the rabbits head in front of the ears, rather than behind as in that pic. I've seen young girls do it, it really is so easy if your shown how.

EXACTLY thats how i taught my daughter to kill rabbits it takes no power at all she can now do it with no probs she can also chin them in the net

well done for asking how do it properly mate it saves any suffering to the rabbit good luck

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Maybe try knocking them on the head with a priest, some people find this easier. When ferreting i tend to grab them by the body and give them one quick chop at the neck, as its easier to do this than stretch a neck in the net.


a chop or to works best for me to ,preist could get messy



yep ive seen there eyes pop out......it did kill it though

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We where out lamping one night and as the rabbit ran towards me i stuck my foot out ,the rabbit ran right into it and i thought it had broke me foot but it broke its neck and both its eyes popped out

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A good tip is to practise on a rabbit that is already dead . If you take this to the next stage you could skin a rabbit( leave the back legs on so you have something to grip) so that you have a good idea of the anatomy and can be aware of exactly the angle to hold the head and amount of downward pressure needed to dislocate the neck .


It really is not a matter of strength at all ( forget the effort that Bear Grylls put into it - very dramatic .) No need for twisting or yanking . Hold the back legs ,grasp the head, bend the head at right angles to the spine. All that is needed is a confident downward movement of the hand holding the head .You will feel the neck dislocate. As Said . Practise on a few dead ones until you are happy with the result .

Once you are confident you will be able to get the same result by holding the rabbit's shoulders rather than the back legs . Very usefull if the rabbit is tightly meshed and you can't stretch it out .

Hope this helps


I find this the best way and it takes no effort whatsoever, also very quickly killed no suffering sometimes the chop can stun and not kill and leave the rabbit in pain.

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Where abouts are you mate? Can always do with extra hands and could show you the ropes? As you sound quite new to this ( no offence)


now then bud im in hull, i realised youre in lancashire its a bit far away from me and i have no transport ::(, it sounds good tho mate, i am new 2 this but trying my best with all your help, ill keep you posted on how i do.

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