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So, what have we learned ???. My first post questioned why you even brought this to the table if (and I think you had) already decided on a course of action. If the dog was an out and out sheep worri

Okay, think Shit Stirer fits the bill better..

You can't keep a dog that kills or worries sheep and expect to work it, it just cant happen. Anyone who has a retired worker knows how hard it is for the dog to see you and another dog going to work a

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I have to say... what a sorry state of affairs.. Are you saying that just because a dog kills a sheep when you're out coursing reynard, that means that there isn't really decent and rewarding homes out there for lurchers, just because they might only be able to course rabbits on arable farms?? makes me sick that you could play god with an obviously normal dogs life!!! It's people like you that give 'hunters' a bad name as being archaic killers. You wander why m.p's are winning the fight against hunting.. If we don't respect our dogs, how can you respect it's quarry. It's your fault entirely... Don't run your dogs anywhere near sheep...moving targets end up with dead dogs When they crash... thats if it survives your HAIR TRIGGER!!! :censored::feck::no:

shut up you soft cun..i live in wales im surrounded with sheep we hunt around sheep,where am i supposed to hunt her in the SHOW RING..and i will not pass sheep killing dogs around or jibbers like some people out there,if there was more genuine terrier&lurcher men in this country that only kept and used the best thats available to them then most of the terrier&lurcher breeds woulndt be fuc..up like they are now !and has for causing m.ps to win the war just take a look at some picture pre ban or not thats up on this site and others on the web people have been digging big holes for themselves for a very long time,matter of fact ever since twats have pictures on their mob phones and showing people in pubs and blutoothing to every fu..ker...how good their dog is BOLLOCKS..but thanks for you comment i will take it on board..NOT :no:

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Thanks for all the genuine comments,but people who think that this woulndt happen again are fooling themselves...and i for 1 woulndt hunt with any of you if you had a dog that did this,or would any farmers/landowners have you or you dogs upon their land. I need to have all my dogs 100% stock broken!this bitch killed a ewe in secounds,if she was away hunting out of sight for "say"20 min how much damage would she cause if she did this then !and id be fuc..d if i sell her on to the dick heads that feed their animals on swill and dont give a flying fuc..k wether they hunt this week or next..and then she gets past on from 1 owner to the next,i was taught by some of the best hunting men that prob walked this soil and i know far a fact that he and most men i know whos been hunting for years would have done the same has me,and another thing if my other two had joined in they been gone also..has for the people who give stupid silly comments you obviosly have sheep killers in you kennells...TIDY :thumbs:



The only bloke you need to justify your deeds to ,,is yourself,,the rest of it , is cyber bullshit land,,best of luck,,

Yes how true..i think most of these peoples hunting is on cloud nine,they want to spend more time hunting than typing.

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Thanks for all the genuine comments,but people who think that this woulndt happen again are fooling themselves...and i for 1 woulndt hunt with any of you if you had a dog that did this,or would any farmers/landowners have you or you dogs upon their land. I need to have all my dogs 100% stock broken!this bitch killed a ewe in secounds,if she was away hunting out of sight for "say"20 min how much damage would she cause if she did this then !and id be fuc..d if i sell her on to the dick heads that feed their animals on swill and dont give a flying fuc..k wether they hunt this week or next..and then she gets past on from 1 owner to the next,i was taught by some of the best hunting men that prob walked this soil and i know far a fact that he and most men i know whos been hunting for years would have done the same has me,and another thing if my other two had joined in they been gone also..has for the people who give stupid silly comments you obviosly have sheep killers in you kennells...TIDY :thumbs:



The only bloke you need to justify your deeds to ,,is yourself,,the rest of it , is cyber bullshit land,,best of luck,,

Yes how true..i think most of these peoples hunting is on cloud nine,they want to spend more time hunting than typing.



Or being out and about in the countryside full stop.. Surpose I'll get bitched at now, so hey ho.. :whistling:

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Wish I had seen this sooner, could of given her a home, I've been looking for a bitch or snipped Dog to run this season (not making the same mistake twice with whole dogs and bitch's in the same house, seperated or not) and sounded as if she was a good'un. We don't have sheep round here, just beef cattle and dairy.

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Thanks for all the genuine comments,but people who think that this woulndt happen again are fooling themselves...and i for 1 woulndt hunt with any of you if you had a dog that did this,or would any farmers/landowners have you or you dogs upon their land. I need to have all my dogs 100% stock broken!this bitch killed a ewe in secounds,if she was away hunting out of sight for "say"20 min how much damage would she cause if she did this then !and id be fuc..d if i sell her on to the dick heads that feed their animals on swill and dont give a flying fuc..k wether they hunt this week or next..and then she gets past on from 1 owner to the next,i was taught by some of the best hunting men that prob walked this soil and i know far a fact that he and most men i know whos been hunting for years would have done the same has me,and another thing if my other two had joined in they been gone also..has for the people who give stupid silly comments you obviosly have sheep killers in you kennells...TIDY :thumbs:



The only bloke you need to justify your deeds to ,,is yourself,,the rest of it , is cyber bullshit land,,best of luck,,

Yes how true..i think most of these peoples hunting is on cloud nine,they want to spend more time hunting than typing.



Or being out and about in the countryside full stop.. Surpose I'll get bitched at now, so hey ho.. :whistling:

I think some people cant face reality and living in the real world..maybe they better off just hunting the web..that way more farmers stock will be safe. :thumbs:

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Thanks for all the genuine comments,but people who think that this woulndt happen again are fooling themselves...and i for 1 woulndt hunt with any of you if you had a dog that did this,or would any farmers/landowners have you or you dogs upon their land. I need to have all my dogs 100% stock broken!this bitch killed a ewe in secounds,if she was away hunting out of sight for "say"20 min how much damage would she cause if she did this then !and id be fuc..d if i sell her on to the dick heads that feed their animals on swill and dont give a flying fuc..k wether they hunt this week or next..and then she gets past on from 1 owner to the next,i was taught by some of the best hunting men that prob walked this soil and i know far a fact that he and most men i know whos been hunting for years would have done the same has me,and another thing if my other two had joined in they been gone also..has for the people who give stupid silly comments you obviosly have sheep killers in you kennells...TIDY :thumbs:



The only bloke you need to justify your deeds to ,,is yourself,,the rest of it , is cyber bullshit land,,best of luck,,

Yes how true..i think most of these peoples hunting is on cloud nine,they want to spend more time hunting than typing.



I'm a livestock farmer. You did the right thing, the only possible thing under the circumstances. Full marks to you.


And to all the people slating you, thats probably the reason so many of you have so much difficulty getting permission.

I have zero tolerance for sheep worrying dogs of any breed or type. If some of you people had put the same time and effort into getting lambs (or calves) ready for sale that us farmers have to, you might perhaps know what this thread was about!!

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Thanks for all the genuine comments,but people who think that this woulndt happen again are fooling themselves...and i for 1 woulndt hunt with any of you if you had a dog that did this,or would any farmers/landowners have you or you dogs upon their land. I need to have all my dogs 100% stock broken!this bitch killed a ewe in secounds,if she was away hunting out of sight for "say"20 min how much damage would she cause if she did this then !and id be fuc..d if i sell her on to the dick heads that feed their animals on swill and dont give a flying fuc..k wether they hunt this week or next..and then she gets past on from 1 owner to the next,i was taught by some of the best hunting men that prob walked this soil and i know far a fact that he and most men i know whos been hunting for years would have done the same has me,and another thing if my other two had joined in they been gone also..has for the people who give stupid silly comments you obviosly have sheep killers in you kennells...TIDY :thumbs:



The only bloke you need to justify your deeds to ,,is yourself,,the rest of it , is cyber bullshit land,,best of luck,,

Yes how true..i think most of these peoples hunting is on cloud nine,they want to spend more time hunting than typing.



I'm a livestock farmer. You did the right thing, the only possible thing under the circumstances. Full marks to you.


And to all the people slating you, thats probably the reason so many of you have so much difficulty getting permission.

I have zero tolerance for sheep worrying dogs of any breed or type. If some of you people had put the same time and effort into getting lambs (or calves) ready for sale that us farmers have to, you might perhaps know what this thread was about!!

Maybe by being on top of our terriers&luchers i have so much ground/land to hunt on well over 60 farms/estates...and with a good welcome also,remember one saying..A GOOD NAME GOES A LONG WAY..BUT A BAD NAME GOES FURTHER..i wonder how many farmers would leave men/women with sheepers on ?

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Thanks for all the genuine comments,but people who think that this woulndt happen again are fooling themselves...and i for 1 woulndt hunt with any of you if you had a dog that did this,or would any farmers/landowners have you or you dogs upon their land. I need to have all my dogs 100% stock broken!this bitch killed a ewe in secounds,if she was away hunting out of sight for "say"20 min how much damage would she cause if she did this then !and id be fuc..d if i sell her on to the dick heads that feed their animals on swill and dont give a flying fuc..k wether they hunt this week or next..and then she gets past on from 1 owner to the next,i was taught by some of the best hunting men that prob walked this soil and i know far a fact that he and most men i know whos been hunting for years would have done the same has me,and another thing if my other two had joined in they been gone also..has for the people who give stupid silly comments you obviosly have sheep killers in you kennells...TIDY :thumbs:



The only bloke you need to justify your deeds to ,,is yourself,,the rest of it , is cyber bullshit land,,best of luck,,

Yes how true..i think most of these peoples hunting is on cloud nine,they want to spend more time hunting than typing.

next time keep it to your self,nobody wants to hear of a healthy dog being killed. Dont forget all animals are to a farmer is money,they are not pets like some dogs are to a lot of people. I had one dog who was sound with sheep for 5 years, then one day out with my terrier, a hare got up chassed it with my terrier lol. it got away, they were coming back when 1 sheep which was on its own from the flock, just started to run to the others, when the feckin dogs grabbed it . I ran over and wacked the pair with a stick i always carry. So bottom line is never trust (any) dog 100% with sheep,the lurcher never did it again , but after that can you really trust any dog.? Some of the worst sheep killers are old farm collies, and i was told that by a farmer who as got sheep. :yes:

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A question, why didn't you just make your own decision and get on with it, your dog, your decision at the end of the day, why even mention it on here ??.

Why not mention it on here! ive done nothing wrong..and realy its reality ! shit happens ...not nice but thats life,why do people put smashed terriers on here because all real digging men knows what they digging to,and dont think the autoritys dont know you will be shocked how clued up they are.

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Went out for my usuall walk on the hill this morning with just the 3 lurchers,walked for around half an hour and the lurchers take a line about 400 yds away from me..there i see reynard going flat out over the stones and making his way to a huge rush bed with my 3 behind him,when i get over to them they loose him briefly and take up the line to a rock pile where i assume he has gone into,away the 3 go up and over the stones,when i get to the top of thre stones to see a view of the valley bellow two of my lurchers are just in front of me with my other one ragging in the rush bed..GREAT "i thought"but why did my two stop dead ? well i eventully walk over and find out ! shes on a black sheep FUC..G GUTTED...all the hard work at the end of last year and the last few mts getting them fit and slowly bringing them on and THIS,im not going to make excuses but the weather wasnt the best with a bit of hill fog and light rain and the hill was coverd in sheep..but WHY,last year this bitch accounted for 6 single handed,and a few heavy customers she started to make good earths,and even missed a fox and came back thro a flock of ewes...shes 25mths old and i thought this was going to be a good season for her NOT NOW IT AINT..GUTTED :(

just read,all the replys.this very same scenario happened to me last year.a very good dog of mine 4 years old and trained PROPERLY.disapeared out of sight on a moor.i know how you feel when you first look at your animal smashing into a sheep (not farting about with it)but smashing it.its you that owns that animal,and i sympathise with your predicament.i didnt even think about sorting him ,it was far to gone for that.BUT after presure from some freinds to give the dog another chance,i buckled and done exactly that.against my better judgment.5 months of back to basics 5 days a week of constant walking through the bo peep.(off the lead)a wee glimmer of trust was returning.he was back out working again .3 months go bye then same moor but about 3 miles away from his misdemeanour and off he went far out into nowhere past flocks of sheep and straight onto a lone ewe.YOU DONE THE RIGHT THING MATE :thumbs: take it from me.when they take the throat out of one they will do it again. :thumbdown:

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Went out for my usuall walk on the hill this morning with just the 3 lurchers,walked for around half an hour and the lurchers take a line about 400 yds away from me..there i see reynard going flat out over the stones and making his way to a huge rush bed with my 3 behind him,when i get over to them they loose him briefly and take up the line to a rock pile where i assume he has gone into,away the 3 go up and over the stones,when i get to the top of thre stones to see a view of the valley bellow two of my lurchers are just in front of me with my other one ragging in the rush bed..GREAT "i thought"but why did my two stop dead ? well i eventully walk over and find out ! shes on a black sheep FUC..G GUTTED...all the hard work at the end of last year and the last few mts getting them fit and slowly bringing them on and THIS,im not going to make excuses but the weather wasnt the best with a bit of hill fog and light rain and the hill was coverd in sheep..but WHY,last year this bitch accounted for 6 single handed,and a few heavy customers she started to make good earths,and even missed a fox and came back thro a flock of ewes...shes 25mths old and i thought this was going to be a good season for her NOT NOW IT AINT..GUTTED :(

just read,all the replys.this very same scenario happened to me last year.a very good dog of mine 4 years old and trained PROPERLY.disapeared out of sight on a moor.i know how you feel when you first look at your animal smashing into a sheep (not farting about with it)but smashing it.its you that owns that animal,and i sympathise with your predicament.i didnt even think about sorting him ,it was far to gone for that.BUT after presure from some freinds to give the dog another chance,i buckled and done exactly that.against my better judgment.5 months of back to basics 5 days a week of constant walking through the bo peep.(off the lead)a wee glimmer of trust was returning.he was back out working again .3 months go bye then same moor but about 3 miles away from his misdemeanour and off he went far out into nowhere past flocks of sheep and straight onto a lone ewe.YOU DONE THE RIGHT THING MATE :thumbs: take it from me.when they take the throat out of one they will do it again. :thumbdown:

Thanks for the genuine honest reply..itstead of utter crap off people who aint got a clue about any type of hunting,only computer lituracy.. :thumbs:

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