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burn the koran

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its the fecking lunatics that believe in it that want burning :censored:

believe in what mate.?

the koran :thumbs:

no dissy intended ya through me then lad. :thumbs: hope the blues fck you up on saturday ya fckn mannc. :thumbs::boogie:

theres more chance of mi arse healing up,ya scouse kunt :thumbs:

1.30 kick off fckn ell you gotta hope you win cos i'll be well done by teatime.boy and as is traditional i will rip the piss as long as you lose.(whats with roony)

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go and fight a war for oil? I respect those in the army n wish they would get more from others. Thing is you come back and the terrorists earn more by claiming benefits than your wage. Not only that b

Burn a lorry load, and chuck some spuds on the fire, a few beers, some firworks, it could be a really good night, perhaps it could become an annual event, or even make it a permenent bank holiday

its the fecking lunatics that believe in it that want burning

you been watching indiana jones?


who me?


if you are refering to that quote it was Ghandi that said that and he wasnt referring to hitler

and!!! the word ghandi means nothing to me (and nor do's hitler)


wasnt talking to you/and maybe you should read a book then you would have better grasp of the world

no dissy intended btw

sorry scot did'nt mean to offend you my fault for mis reading the reply's not as thick as you think :thumbs:


no worries mate i apologise aswell :thumbs:

aww,you two :icon_redface: :kiss:

we may chat on sat .

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talkinh about bring heat on themselves .Cant see what good it will do or what it will achieve.Dont ever remember a war being won by burning books


plenty of wars started by books though :thumbs:


Burn the Koran? why not indeed :boogie: , burn the Holy bible whilst your on as well :victory: cause that has been as misused as the koran by certain sadists and warmongers over the centuries :gunsmilie:


Evil people will exploit religion, ethnicity, and generally other peoples fear,ignorance and weakness to carry out there personal aims, always have and always will :thumbs: good job on a very small minority of this world are truly evil, plenty of misguided fools for them to xploit though :blink:

Edited by arcticgun
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talkinh about bring heat on themselves .Cant see what good it will do or what it will achieve.Dont ever remember a war being won by burning books


plenty of wars started by books though :thumbs:


Burn the Koran? why not indeed :boogie: , burn the Holy bible whilst your on as well :victory: cause that has been as misused as the koran by certain sadists and warmongers over the centuries :gunsmilie:


Evil people will exploit religion, ethnicity, and generally other peoples fear,ignorance and weakness to carry out there personal aims, always have and always will :thumbs: good job on a very small minority of this world are truly evil, plenty of misguided fools for them to xploit though :blink:

you put a lot of thought into this.respect to ya. :thumbs:(burnin witches comes into minds)

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talkinh about bring heat on themselves .Cant see what good it will do or what it will achieve.Dont ever remember a war being won by burning books


plenty of wars started by books though :thumbs:


Burn the Koran? why not indeed :boogie: , burn the Holy bible whilst your on as well :victory: cause that has been as misused as the koran by certain sadists and warmongers over the centuries :gunsmilie:


Evil people will exploit religion, ethnicity, and generally other peoples fear,ignorance and weakness to carry out there personal aims, always have and always will :thumbs: good job on a very small minority of this world are truly evil, plenty of misguided fools for them to xploit though :blink:

you put a lot of thought into this.respect to ya. :thumbs:(burnin witches comes into minds)


cheers mate :thumbs: the way I see it is that if a little radge in a cave with a chip on his shoulder can order a few twats into flying a plane into a building killing far more than died on that sad day, then surely it is within the realms of possibility that a seemingly ordinary white politician type could fund said radge to carry out such an attack, but for different reasons one does it cause he hates americans and one does it to hide him and his bosses terrible delaings that bought the world to its knees finacially or at least suspend the majority finding out they have been robbed by the very people who they trusted to look after them, sneaky basterds steal without fear of prosecution and have the cheek to ask for more to bail us all out, well i say they ask they don't they order us to :icon_eek:


Finally who profits from the bullets and bombs being manufactured for these wars? me I don't own any shares in any arms companies same gos for oil companies but i bet the likes of blair, brown and bush do :thumbs: also the current smokescreen of Islamification of britain etc diverts the attention from us taking them to task cause we to busy shitting ourselves over smething that cannot and will not ever happen :blink: Im more scared of white men in blue suits with baby chrmer smiles than i am of some daft asian kid on a bus with a backpack or maybe an asian women praying in the middle of nowhere :boogie:

Edited by arcticgun
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IMHO it would be detreimental to the forces in afganistan who rely on the co-operation of non insurgents in their fights against the taliban.That preacher made me think shotgun sniper has not been on the forum for a wile:laugh:

I would guess that is cause he was banned

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There are loads of folk living in Afghanistan and Iraq that are not currently trying to shoot/blow up our troops or american troops. Burning the Koran gives them a reason to be angry and hate us, and will just lead to more U.K/American troops dying, and doesn't really achieve anything positive other than make those burning feel big. People who are all for it are just a bit simple minded really . . . . .

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... Im more scared of white men in blue suits with baby chrmer smiles than i am of some daft asian kid on a bus with a backpack or maybe an asian women praying in the middle of nowhere :boogie:


A white man in a blue suit? Is it only white men in Blue suits these days?



fair point there AFT :thumbs: they come in all colors in our multi cultural heaven :thumbs:

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Why is it we are always running scared of there demands and threats, i would like them to go ahead with the burning just to prove that we will not be pushed around with these people.

Surely the USA have more punch in the threating stakes.....no????? Basically they can dish out threats, burn flags and cause mass murders and we've to sit back and take it........well f**k that!!!

If there are any repurcusions from the burning of some books then i'm sure there are some serious pieces of equipment that could be dropped on certain countries.Let them makes the decisions for a change.

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There are loads of folk living in Afghanistan and Iraq that are not currently trying to shoot/blow up our troops or american troops. Burning the Koran gives them a reason to be angry and hate us, and will just lead to more U.K/American troops dying, and doesn't really achieve anything positive other than make those burning feel big. People who are all for it are just a bit simple minded really . . . . .


I don't think some idiot burning the Koran will give them reason to kill more of our troops, as I don't think they're very fond of us over there as it is.


They will kill our lads and lasses regardless of whether some Yank with a handle bar moustache burns Koran's or not. As I've said before I've got massive respect for our Armed forces but I don't agree with us being over there blowing the place to bits, We're an invading force and the very fact that we're invaders is more than enough for them to hate us.

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Add a poll to this subject and make it public "Have you read the Koran ?" I haven't read it fully only extracts .. Because it seems to me there are hundreds of millions living peacefully who do and likely who hate their own for doing what they do and there are the radicals who just read what they want to read and twist the words to suit their own twisted end.

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