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The Holly and the Ivy.

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Hiya Peep's.


The force within was strong again, and the wild's were calling.

Drove to the permission,and sat in the car as normal, looking out the window and listening for 5 minutes.

Saw one bunny dissapear into the nettles, and heard the unmistakable cackle of Magpie's.

Got out of the car to make ready the kit and get sorted.


Loaded the Bitch with a magazine of 10 AA Field's, and started my walk.

Keeping tight to the hedgerow, and moving slowly down the field, pausing every now and then.

Was looking through the hedge, and saw a small kit sat out, 20 yd shot and the kit was mine.


Having heard all the Magpie comotion, I thought I would split the Kit and lay it out by a water trough in the field, that was very close to the hedge and tree's.

Made my way over to the corner of the field and got into the hedge, underneath a holly bush and some Ivy.







This is the view from my staic position, looking at the Water trough that was at 28yds.

The Kit is to the right of the trough.







I laid there getting eaten by ant's, after about 20 minutes I saw a Magpie fly into the tree, closly followed by another.

I thought to myself, this may just work.

One then flew around and over where the split bunny was laying, then back to the tree again.

Bugger I thought come on....dinner's ready and waiting for you.

Then, down one came, and sat on the corner of the water trough looking down at the split bunny.

I had the rifle in the shoulder ready, peered through the scope, and took carfull aim, witing for a pause in the manic bird's movment's.

Saw my chance and let the shot go, Mr Magpie went down lick a brick.


Almost immediately, his mate came down too, landed in exactly the same place, and was greeted with the same welcome.


Two egg robbing, chick murderers down :thumbs:






Made a move from that area, towards an ajoining field.

Along the way another Kit popped out, went down on one knee very slowly, and took the shot, kit was down, 25 ish yds.


Got to a static position I like to use, and got comfortable.


After about 40 minutes out came a nice bunny lazed at 37 yds, shouldered the Bitch, and let fly with the AA Field, smack, nice clean kill.


Was getting a bit warm in the sunshine, thinking time to go home soon.


Then in the corner of the field, out came another full grown.

I lazed the bunny, and it measured 52yds, the conditions were perfect, and I was confident in the rifle and myself.

Shouldered the Bitch and squeezed the shot off, the bunny left the deck and came back down without a twitch, happy with that.


Walked up to get the prize, and had a group photo.




Thougherly enjoyed a mixed and varied outing, and dinner was ready when I got home.



Cheer's me dear's.





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Hiya Peep's.   The force within was strong again, and the wild's were calling. Drove to the permission,and sat in the car as normal, looking out the window and listening for 5 minutes. Saw one bun

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Way to go Bill :clapper:


Glad you got the Maggies, tried same earlier this week and was robbed of my shot :wallbash:


Excellent read and glad Lorraine knows her place and had dinner ready for ya :whistling: (she's gonna slap me now if we ever meet up)


Seriously well done, dinner ready was just a bonus :notworthy:





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Nice on on the bag there matey, :gunsmilie:


and for the 2 egg robbing gits, havent managed to get any of them into my bag yet this year, closest i got was around 10 feet away out side my frount door the other day, living in a built up area is rubbish, could have shot him when it landed in a tree but if id missed someone would have been woken up by the sound of there window smashing. never mind always another time.


well dun on your outing pal,


have a pat on the bk from me.


Andy :thumbs:

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Cracking read that Bill buddy :thumbs: .


Great tactics on the 2 maggies too.


They love a split bunny them maggies dont they mate? They just cant say no LOL.


The thing is though, whenever they eat split bunny they always end up with a headche :clapper:


Thats a lovely shot to make at 52 yards Bill aswell.


I bet is was made easier with the MAP Pro reticule wasnt it mate?


Cracking scopes the MAP range.


I have one on my R10.



Edited by zini
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Way to go Bill :clapper:


Glad you got the Maggies, tried same earlier this week and was robbed of my shot :wallbash:


Excellent read and glad Lorraine knows her place and had dinner ready for ya :whistling: (she's gonna slap me now if we ever meet up)


Seriously well done, dinner ready was just a bonus :notworthy:









Hiya Tony.


Cheer's me dear :thumbs: .


Sorry you was robbed of your Magpie mate, it's time will come :yes: you'll get him.


Lorraine say's she cant WAIT to meet you :boxing::boxing::D


My turn to cook tonight....so we are having an Indian takeaway......god I spoil her :D







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hi ya bill

what a real nice write up buddy :thumbs:

and what nice views of the land you have got to matey plus it's been great whether to be out shooting just lying around waiting for the bunnies to come out it makes it all worth while on cracking days like this and very nice pictures as well bill :thumbs:



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Nice on on the bag there matey, :gunsmilie:


and for the 2 egg robbing gits, havent managed to get any of them into my bag yet this year, closest i got was around 10 feet away out side my frount door the other day, living in a built up area is rubbish, could have shot him when it landed in a tree but if id missed someone would have been woken up by the sound of there window smashing. never mind always another time.


well dun on your outing pal,


have a pat on the bk from me.


Andy :thumbs:




Hi Andy.



Thanks mate.


Yes I saw the pic in your post of the cheeky begger....his time will come mate :thumbs:







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Cracking read that Bill buddy :thumbs: .


Great tactics on the 2 maggies too.


They love a split bunny them maggies dont they mate? They just cant say no LOL.


The thing is though, whenever they eat split bunny they always end up with a headche :clapper:


Thats a lovely shot to make at 52 yards Bill aswell.


I bet is was made easier with the MAP Pro reticule wasnt it mate?


Cracking scopes the MAP range.


I have one on my R10.






Hiya Si.


Thank you buddy :thumbs:


Your right mate, a split bunny is not good for the health of the Magpie :clapper:


Yes, the Map Pro is a good scope, and if you set it up right, it becomes a brilliant scope.


I took the shot off the bottom post, but allowed 1/2 mill dot below the post, as it is bang on 50 at the top, condition's couldnt have been better. :yes:


A nice afternoon mooch mate. :thumbs:









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hi ya bill

what a real nice write up buddy :thumbs:

and what nice views of the land you have got to matey plus it's been great whether to be out shooting just lying around waiting for the bunnies to come out it makes it all worth while on cracking days like this and very nice pictures as well bill :thumbs:





Hiya Shay.


Thank's mate.



Yes we are lucky to live where we do, we could not bear to move, rather live in the wood's :D

Lazy, hazey, summer day's Shay......bootifull. :thumbs:


Glad you liked the pictures mate :yes:









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