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An Update on how it went in the field!


5 shots 5 kills!


I had been checking the weather all day and I see there was a break in the weather around 10:00pm till 4:00am so this was my window to get out till Monday, so I jumped at it.

I checked my zero in the garden in the after noon and everything was going great!


So I filled the AAS410K .177 up to 170 bar and gave it a good wipe over with some gun oil ,as I knew it may be raining if I stay out passed 4:00am.so that all done and now a equipment check magazines, pellets, batteries, lamp, head torch, handy cam recorder.


Al in working order I arrived at the permission at 11:00pm, and see lamp doing the rounds. And thought mmm who that is! So I signalled to them with a 2 short bursts of my red led lamp, and I got the reply I was hoping for, 2 back it was Nathan and his friend PHEW!!


They had been doing a bit of lamping but to no avail as they said it was very quiet, and we had a chat and I went back to me car to get set up and Nathan went home for a kip. Then the heavens opened up and it was pissing it down, so I stayed in the car and got some shut eye


Then a few hours later I was awoken by the sound of no rain at 1:45am so out of the car I went, and headed in to the front field very slowly .and there was 2 bunny’s just sat there about 25 / 30 yds away, so slowly down on one knee I went up came the AAS410K .177 2 plus clicks on the mounted ir, a quick flick of me lamp. And off a gain I steadied my breathing looked through the scope again and I could see to black out lines of bunny’s.

So cross hairs locked on the front bunny safety off first stage of the trigger up the 2 quick movement’s lamp second stage and THWACK! Over it went, and its mate went straight to the hedge line and down its hole.


Where it fell




I stayed here for about half an hour, and there was no more movement so I stood up had another quick flick around and spotted about a dozen red jewels in the field. So picked up my first target and headed of to the north side of the field where I seen some red jewels. But by the time I got there they were no where to be seen or out of range! So I hocked my first bunny up and put it in the tree to collect on my exit of the field


So from here I went east to my sniping spot no not the telegraph pole but a nice strong tree to put my back up against and face the hedge row, where I have seen bunny’s in abundance! I got my self settled and just waited, the good thing was that the esso garage that is adjacent to the field was closed and the big esso sign was out which did help a lot because it lights up the field like a light house would but static, you all have seen them so you know where im coming from.


I must have sat here for an hour because I know as we all do patience is our best weapon when in the field, apart from the obvious. As we all know you get relaxed and im getting on a bit now so had another short power! Knap lol

When I awoke lol I had a look in to the field and could see loads of small lumps of darkness me thinking aha bunny’s but as we are now going in to may everything is blossoming leaves, so we find it harder to see the pigeons! And small groups of nettles, doh! Which look like the out line of a rabbit if you stare at it to long? I had a quick flick around and spotted three pairs of red jewels, so watched them for a while through my mtc mamba 4-16x50 scope which I had on mag 4.you may be thinking how could I see them with out my lamp on, but as the clouds were low for some strange reason it was fairly bright if ya know what I mean! As I watched them for about 5 minutes I was manoeuvring my self all the time I was watching them, when they stopped so did I. because I had to get my knee up and twist my body a bit and straighten up my back for support ,before I took the shot.


Now I am in a nice shooting position and it’s a bout 10 minutes later I wait till my breathing is calm before I raise the AAS410K,as before I just watch them for a while and strike when im ready. As they were a fair distance away I got my range finder out and lased where they were and then pointed it up to the sky to get a reading 43yds.so it was 0.5 of a mildot so I cradle my knee bring the AAS410 to my elbow joint and just rest it there! A quick flick to see where my target was as per usual breathing, safety off, first stage, flick second stage THWACK!! Bunny number 2 in the bag.


Where it fell




The other legged it towards me and the hedge I was watching, now we all know that for some strange reason they run and then stop about a yd from the hedge WHY??? Well I know now to give me a second shot THWACK!!! Which it got.


Where it fell






After this shot I waited for another hour but nothing else presented its self and it started to rain. So I headed back to the court yard where there is a huge shelter and sit out.

And thought I would send in a live report to you guys lol, as I was logging on and taking a breather a bunny popped out of the hedge on to the front lawn. I was sat down on a tractor wheel so it did not see me, I moved slowly to pick up my AA and lent on top of the tractor to get the shot off. But it was just behind a small rose bush, so I had to come to the front of the tractor and lean on the front wheel to get a clean kill. This was a kneeling shot so it was second nature to me to take this shot, as I prefer to take most of my shots kneeling even when im at the AAOC HFT week end. The target was in my zero and I took the shot like clock work THWACK!!!! What I haven’t seen for a while was the Olympic back flip that it done and a finish to die for, I wish I had my scope cam on this shot! Lol bunny number 4 in the bag.


Where it fell




On my way back to the shelter there is another part of the permission which was heavily overgrown with nettles and grass. but the owner has cut it right back now and I know there are bunny’s in there, so I had a slow peek over the wall and got myself close to the ivy which covers most of and brought my head up slowly. I spotted 2 kits but the little upstarts clocked me and they legged it but there was still an adult out but I ranged it and it was 68 yds to far for me in these conditions, so I thought I’ll give it a bit of time to come closer and I went back round and got myself in the dry shelter.

While I was in the dry and watching the front lawn from behind the tractor which I think is an antique really old one, I see 2 bunny’s come out on to the front lawn 88yds away and also 2 magpies which was after the rabbit I shot earlier. And for those who say rabbits do not come out in the rain I have video footage of it” THEY DO” and in heavy rain too!




People only say that who don’t go out in it. And I think you have to experience all weathers to know your quarry!!


Anyways the magpies were coming in to my zero so I was ready, but these are not the easiest quarry to shoot hence I missed! DOH! And all was quiet on the front lawn again.

So I thought I would have one more look in the front field where I seen the out of range bunny, and would you Adam & eve it had moved closer buy this time the wind had dropped enough for me to take the shot well enough for me ,and should only be taken if your confidant enough in your shooting. I ranged it and it was 54yds so 1.5 mildot hold over and a mildot to the left, I lent my AA on the wall cushioned by my arm and took up the standing position controlled my breathing, a slow movement of my index finger to push the safety off, first stage, no flick as it was light, second THWACK!!!!!

Straight down it went, not even a twitch!


Where it fell





And where the shot was taken from,if you look at the house its set back about 30yds by the way, and go to the bottom window.well there is a 5 foot wall,just ideal to lean on and snipe from just next to the big bush on the right :thumbs:





A very pleased shot indeed, as always preparation, knowing your rifles limits and your own ability a great combination for a humane kill.


Group photo




After this shot it started to rain heavily again, so I was well pleased on my vermin control over the last few hours, and called it a day. And need to get some sleep before I go to whish me dad happy birthday.


And where I leave them for the Nathan to pick up!





Sorry if I went on a bit but you know me!


Happy hunting



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Then a few hours later I was awoken by the sound of no rain at 1:45am


That's a bloody good hunters trick Davy!!


Seriously mate - an excellent write up and great pictures. You certainly are at one with the S410. By the way I'd like to see you get a few magpies. I know how difficult they can be and my tally is very low on them. Could do with a few tips, as I absolutely hate them and what they do to the local songbirds.





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hi davy great write up pal


some good pics there and a good bag of rabbit to take home :clapper:


them rabbits dint seam to mind the rain did they you can see how the rabbits fur is pis wet

if the weather wo like that for me i think i wound of called it a day


good on ya for sticking it out and its payed off as we can see :toast:


happy hunting


farmer :thumbs:

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Hiya Davy.


WOW......what a brilliant shot of the tractor :thumbs::D


Thougherely enjoyed the read Davy, what a good trip that was.

Staying out in that weather you deserve the results, they were hard earnt :thumbs:

Enjoyed the video footage to.


Good sized rabbit's, gert bigun's.


Excellent post, pictures, and shooting buddy, not to mention perserverance and patience.


Propper job.


Hope your Dad enjoy's his Birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVY's DAD!!! :thumbs:





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Sorry if I went on a bit but you know me!


Happy hunting




Don't we just :angel::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Went to bed just after our last PM last night and didn't wake again until 13:00

Still feel groggy from that, but hey at least I slept, knowing I was going to be greeted to another excellent write up of your exploits last night and this morning :yes:


Superb shooting Davy :notworthy: and as allways fantastic write up :clapper:



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Hiya Davy.


WOW......what a brilliant shot of the tractor :thumbs::D


Hope your Dad enjoy's his Birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVY's DAD!!! :thumbs:






Bill, stop encouraging him, you know tractors are not suitable airgun quarry, hell they were never even on the GL!


Oh yeah Davy, forgot to say "Wish your ol'e man a happy birthday" from me as well :thumbs:



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Hiya Davy.


WOW......what a brilliant shot of the tractor :thumbs::D


Hope your Dad enjoy's his Birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVY's DAD!!! :thumbs:






Bill, stop encouraging him, you know tractors are not suitable airgun quarry, hell they were never even on the GL!




Oh yeah Davy, forgot to say "Wish your ol'e man a happy birthday" from me as well :thumbs:





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