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First time using crow decoys

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I have been clay shooting, rather badly, on and off for about 6 months and I have recently joined a sporting gun club and can now shoot on the clubs permissions. Anyway today I bought some crow decoys and went out for an hour to try them. I set them up at 3pm on a cold over cast day not expecting much. In just over an hour I shot and killed 3 crows, I also missed another 3 due to nerves and inexperience. I am well chuffed. It may not be the huge bags that some people get but prior to today I had only shot 2 wood pigeons and a 1 crow in 4 trips to the permissions.

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Well done.clapper.gifclapper.gif


My tip is next time you are out shooting rabbits freeze a couple to put out as bait. Before you next go crow shooting let them thaw out split them wide open put a pecking crow decoy next to it and watch the results!yes.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

Its good sport for sure.

I use 4 decoys and a call which works well.

Best bag was around 40.

As has been said add a few shot ones to make a bigger pattern.

I have also put some out with the wings spread out.

I guess a rotary might work but have never tried it.

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great start there.


a flapper i find is the killer for the, i have used the rotary, starting with hyper flaps(homemade) then replacing with dead birds as and when i shoot them. a floater or two as well.


you need to use their sharp eyes against them and get movement in the pattern so they look at the movement rather than you. so dont put anything that moves in front of your hide as it can draw there eye to any slight movement from you.



keep at it and enjoy






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