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i cant wait for september either new season new start. tom!!

thanks for the help with the picture i just clicked a few things and managed to get it on cheers mate :)


did you crop it or did you do it another way. and its ok mate anytime. tom!!

i used a smaller picture i think mate and just clicked on a few things i know feck all about computers . :) cheers

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There is nothing that gives me the same buzz as watching my dogs grafting about, the sheer anticipation of watching them cover ground in search of a scent, the terriers tail going ten to the dozen once he locates a rabbit in cover, watching the lurchers circling the bush waiting for the rabbit to break cover, pure magic it is. I shot for years before deciding to get a working dog, and thought i would also use the lurcher as a retriever, but since getting the first one, I haven't picked the gun up at all, my spare time is now all spent training and exercising my dogs.


I had a couple of sessions lamping once the pups where old enough, really enjoyed it as well, but as with my shooting I prefer very early mornings out, also with changing the ground I cover with the dogs as opposed to the rifle, I have seen much more wildlife, I intend to get a better camera ASAP to catch some of the sights I see whilst out in the mornings. I have also met a lot of new friends since getting the dogs, which is always a bonus. My missus and kids also love helping out exercising them whilst Im at work, I just hope the boys get into it when they are older.


Im never dissappointed with either of my lurchers, I had no preconcieved ideas prior to getting them, so everthing they do catch is a bonus, I enjoy every run they take, even when they miss the quarry, it makes 5the next catch all the better, I have never wished the summer away before, but I now find myself counting the weeks until the crops get chopped down and the stubble is visible.


Its a real shame that the ban is in place, it spoils newcomers chances of really testing their dogs to find their full potential, mind that said accidents do happen :sorry::victory: who knows maybe the next goverment will scrap this ban and let us all get on with what we love doing.


atvb Richard

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There is nothing that gives me the same buzz as watching my dogs grafting about, the sheer anticipation of watching them cover ground in search of a scent, the terriers tail going ten to the dozen once he locates a rabbit in cover, watching the lurchers circling the bush waiting for the rabbit to break cover, pure magic it is. I shot for years before deciding to get a working dog, and thought i would also use the lurcher as a retriever, but since getting the first one, I haven't picked the gun up at all, my spare time is now all spent training and exercising my dogs.


I had a couple of sessions lamping once the pups where old enough, really enjoyed it as well, but as with my shooting I prefer very early mornings out, also with changing the ground I cover with the dogs as opposed to the rifle, I have seen much more wildlife, I intend to get a better camera ASAP to catch some of the sights I see whilst out in the mornings. I have also met a lot of new friends since getting the dogs, which is always a bonus. My missus and kids also love helping out exercising them whilst Im at work, I just hope the boys get into it when they are older.


Im never dissappointed with either of my lurchers, I had no preconcieved ideas prior to getting them, so everthing they do catch is a bonus, I enjoy every run they take, even when they miss the quarry, it makes 5the next catch all the better, I have never wished the summer away before, but I now find myself counting the weeks until the crops get chopped down and the stubble is visible.


Its a real shame that the ban is in place, it spoils newcomers chances of really testing their dogs to find their full potential, mind that said accidents do happen :sorry::victory: who knows maybe the next goverment will scrap this ban and let us all get on with what we love doing.


atvb Richard


Here here



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Ive been at the game for nearly 50 years and i still get the buzz that i did when i was a kid. Done nearly every fieldsport in the book, just love windy nights. I dont give a shit if i blank, just being out there is what its all about, know more than some less than others and im still learning, ;)

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Pretty much what Arctic said really...... ;):clapper:


I grew up as obsessed with wildlife as i am now. And i think that makes a person a better hunter. The little things. A jays alarm call that tells you that a roe is just ahead. Pigeons sat in the trees teling you that you are the only person in the vicinity. You get the feeling for where a roe will leave the wood, see pheasants go to roost, smile appreciatively as you see another fellow hunter like a weasel or stoat hunting for its dinner.

And yet its more....listening to the dog baying, seeing your lurcher right up its quarry's arse, that "classic" heart shot on a buck or even the increasing excitment as a steel-backed leviathan carp inches closer and closer to your floating crust.


Wehn you're young its hard to slow down, and i think this is a good thing. But age does slow you down. I'm not saying less keen, but you appreciate different things. Your priorities change. When i was a youngster i was out with the airgun and no woodie was safe, but these days i am happy to let them be, unless i have a good use for them.


My advice to any youngster is get out there and do it, don't listen to pessemists.....remember...you only get one chance at life and you best make the most of it.....none of us get out of it alive!!



Good Hunting JD

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yep wish ide have schooled my self better but then when you get the bug its hard,i suppose being the hunted is also addictive the thrill of more than one kind of chase,i must be good at the avaiding part as im getting fatter lol.youle never know it all theres just to much of it and only so much time.happy hunting youth.

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yep wish ide have schooled my self better but then when you get the bug its hard,i suppose being the hunted is also addictive the thrill of more than one kind of chase,i must be good at the avaiding part as im getting fatter lol.youle never know it all theres just to much of it and only so much time.happy hunting youth.



well thats nice to see doga admits he is a fat swine the mrs will have you on slim fast next porky

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yep wish ide have schooled my self better but then when you get the bug its hard,i suppose being the hunted is also addictive the thrill of more than one kind of chase,i must be good at the avaiding part as im getting fatter lol.youle never know it all theres just to much of it and only so much time.happy hunting youth.



well thats nice to see doga admits he is a fat swine the mrs will have you on slim fast next porky

you following me round on here fat boy,talkin about slim fast you could do we a fast lard arse,you keep the tecka ways open gelly neck.

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yep wish ide have schooled my self better but then when you get the bug its hard,i suppose being the hunted is also addictive the thrill of more than one kind of chase,i must be good at the avaiding part as im getting fatter lol.youle never know it all theres just to much of it and only so much time.happy hunting youth.



well thats nice to see doga admits he is a fat swine the mrs will have you on slim fast next porky

you following me round on here fat boy,talkin about slim fast you could do we a fast lard arse,you keep the tecka ways open gelly neck.

now now porky looks like your lost on hear turkey neck gobbell gobbell

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for me its a combination of things


the thrill of watching my dog flush a quarry, its a surprise even when you know she's scent something lol i will her on in the chase and my heart jumps with each turn, when my bitch catches and comes trotting back to me live in hand (mostly!) i have a true sense of pride, my dog doing what she was bred to do and thriving!!

i also like the sneaking back home through the village with no one seeing my catch - have permission of course, but don't want to walk into and anti or an angry mother lol


i get a real sense of satisfaction of putting food on the table, that i've foraged, grew, hunted etc, i love being able to watch my child eat her dinner to see how she's enjoying it and i can honestly say, i done that, not tescos or wages etc but myself and my dogs/ferrets - no better feeling


i know i'm female but i also understand the feeling of man and dog, man the hunter - to feel that if the modern world as we know was to shut down ie no banks no shops etc that we would be more then fine, probably happier as a result!


also my dogs happiness and wellfare, i love watching the dog improve on skill, workin the chase, watching the muscle tone as she trots beside me, but best of all when we come soaked from lamping at silly hour, we dry off and i heat some prepared stew, pop some with biscuits for the dog then we both chill on the sofa warm and dry after a good mooch around with hopefully a bagfull on the way home.


to finish hunting is like sex, although you try, you might not get any!!


all the best lurcher lass x x x

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