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.308 rabbit

Guest hyperion

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Mate, if you're put off by pictures of dead quarry, you're on the wrong site. We've nothing to be ashamed off or to hide, our detractors will always find a way of having a go at us, whether we post pictures or not. :yes:


Have seen thousands of carcasses and all caused by my hand. It doesn't put me off. I am not a detractor, I am a supporter but it doesn't help the cause when we (and I say we) glorify the damage caused by the shot. Dignity and respect for the carcass used to matter when I hunted. Like I say, not trying to annoy anyone but having been in this game for over 35 years you get to understand how the other side thinks & works.

fair comment. :thumbs:

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Guest hyperion

i did say the pics are not pretty and left some space on the page before them so they were not "in your face", and as MR Logic said compared to some of the photos ive seen on this site they are fairly tame and im new'ish to fire arms and no i didnt know what to expect as before now ive never seen a bunnie shot with a .308!


i was thinking of removing the pics but then they are part of my post so i'll leave them for the time being unless one of the mod's asks me to take them down or removes this thread entirely!




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Guest hyperion
Mate, if you're put off by pictures of dead quarry, you're on the wrong site. We've nothing to be ashamed off or to hide, our detractors will always find a way of having a go at us, whether we post pictures or not. :yes:


Have seen thousands of carcasses and all caused by my hand. It doesn't put me off. I am not a detractor, I am a supporter but it doesn't help the cause when we (and I say we) glorify the damage caused by the shot. Dignity and respect for the carcass used to matter when I hunted. Like I say, not trying to annoy anyone but having been in this game for over 35 years you get to understand how the other side thinks & works.


fair comment though im hardly glorifing the damage to the rabbit, "cor fecking hell look what happenned when i blasted this rabbit in the face ha ha ha what a fooking mess lol!"


i tried to present the whole thing in as matter of fact way as possible!, yes the pics are gory but that rabbit was given the respect of a very quick death indeed and was done justice to on the bbq this afternoon!




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That is surprisingly tame actually... 243 with 55gr ballistic tip at that range... now that's a mess :)

I think this shows a total lack of self control. One wonders what your FAC says your 308 is for.

Remind me again why you're quoting me? I didn't actually shoot the rabbit in question.


However, get off your f***ing high horse. Rabbits get shot with every calibre under the sun - it's their lot in life. They are the bottom of the food chain, which means that, like the unlucky kid at school, they cop strife from all corners.


As has been said, dead is dead.


Now, in terms of the legalities here, firstly, ACPO had guidance, covered by the BASC magazine, which allows the shooting of lesser species on a deer ticket. I.e. if I have 308 for deer, then although my ticket is not conditioned for rabbits, no action will be taken. Ergo, it is in effect legalised.


Secondly, I don't shoot rabbits with 308, but I will shoot them with 243, which I have conditioned for ground game, vermin, fox and deer. It took a minute, as the police were adamant that 243 would not be granted for rabbits, but once I had informed them that I want a calibre to shoot absolutely everything, and that I couldn't use anything smaller as my deer needs include roe and the law in England is daft, then she went away to confer. An hour later, my request was granted, overruling standard licensing procedures for Thames Valley.


My ticket has it in black and white, and soon I will be the proud owner of another 243, this time one I actually like. And then rabbits will be exploding all round Berkshire. It will cost me sod all (reloading), and since they're for vermin control I don't care that they end up in 54 pieces. And it's not a lack of self control, it's a symptom of daft licensing. I'd much rather shoot roe deer with 223 or 22 Hornet. But hey ho...

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Mate, if you're put off by pictures of dead quarry, you're on the wrong site. We've nothing to be ashamed off or to hide, our detractors will always find a way of having a go at us, whether we post pictures or not. :yes:


Have seen thousands of carcasses and all caused by my hand. It doesn't put me off. I am not a detractor, I am a supporter but it doesn't help the cause when we (and I say we) glorify the damage caused by the shot. Dignity and respect for the carcass used to matter when I hunted. Like I say, not trying to annoy anyone but having been in this game for over 35 years you get to understand how the other side thinks & works.

I take your point. BUT the Antis would tell me how to live my life, they would tell me that I shouldn't shoot things, and should lose my personal freedoms. They will, sadly, win in the end I fear.


in the meantime, we owe it to ourselves to post gory stories, pictures of dead animals and other such things that piss them off because we CAN. I will not tolerate animals suffering needlessly, and any desire to remove suffering I agree with. But a rabbit blown to smithereens by a 243 or 308 is rather humanely killed.


So long as the shot was safe and no law broken (my previous post establishes that all is well there) then We the Shooting Community have complied with all current laws and done nothing to offend anyone of sensible moral standing.


Given that, if a picture of a splattered rabbit offends an anti, well, quite frankly f**k 'em, I don't care. Their viewpoints offend me, and I have to endure it, so they can endure some of mine!

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Mate, if you're put off by pictures of dead quarry, you're on the wrong site. We've nothing to be ashamed off or to hide, our detractors will always find a way of having a go at us, whether we post pictures or not. :yes:


Have seen thousands of carcasses and all caused by my hand. It doesn't put me off. I am not a detractor, I am a supporter but it doesn't help the cause when we (and I say we) glorify the damage caused by the shot. Dignity and respect for the carcass used to matter when I hunted. Like I say, not trying to annoy anyone but having been in this game for over 35 years you get to understand how the other side thinks & works.

I take your point. BUT the Antis would tell me how to live my life, they would tell me that I shouldn't shoot things, and should lose my personal freedoms. They will, sadly, win in the end I fear.


in the meantime, we owe it to ourselves to post gory stories, pictures of dead animals and other such things that piss them off because we CAN. I will not tolerate animals suffering needlessly, and any desire to remove suffering I agree with. But a rabbit blown to smithereens by a 243 or 308 is rather humanely killed.


So long as the shot was safe and no law broken (my previous post establishes that all is well there) then We the Shooting Community have complied with all current laws and done nothing to offend anyone of sensible moral standing.


Given that, if a picture of a splattered rabbit offends an anti, well, quite frankly f**k 'em, I don't care. Their viewpoints offend me, and I have to endure it, so they can endure some of mine!


f****ng right

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wat will the keeper say blazing away with a 243 [bANNED TEXT] hes got poults down not to mention all the other nesting birds this time of year.atvb

Funnily enough, I don't shoot on anywhere they raise pheasants or other game birds, so they actually don't care. There are a couple of farms that do, and that's why I have a 22 Hornet and a subsonic 22LR as well. Tools for the job :)


BTW, I wouldn't admit to poaching on your signature, not really the best plan.

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Mate, if you're put off by pictures of dead quarry, you're on the wrong site. We've nothing to be ashamed off or to hide, our detractors will always find a way of having a go at us, whether we post pictures or not. :yes:


Have seen thousands of carcasses and all caused by my hand. It doesn't put me off. I am not a detractor, I am a supporter but it doesn't help the cause when we (and I say we) glorify the damage caused by the shot. Dignity and respect for the carcass used to matter when I hunted. Like I say, not trying to annoy anyone but having been in this game for over 35 years you get to understand how the other side thinks & works.

I take your point. BUT the Antis would tell me how to live my life, they would tell me that I shouldn't shoot things, and should lose my personal freedoms. They will, sadly, win in the end I fear.


in the meantime, we owe it to ourselves to post gory stories, pictures of dead animals and other such things that piss them off because we CAN. I will not tolerate animals suffering needlessly, and any desire to remove suffering I agree with. But a rabbit blown to smithereens by a 243 or 308 is rather humanely killed.


So long as the shot was safe and no law broken (my previous post establishes that all is well there) then We the Shooting Community have complied with all current laws and done nothing to offend anyone of sensible moral standing.


Given that, if a picture of a splattered rabbit offends an anti, well, quite frankly f**k 'em, I don't care. Their viewpoints offend me, and I have to endure it, so they can endure some of mine!


It is not the anti's that we need to worry about, it's those that have no opinion as yet either way that are likely to get peed off with this behaviour and suddenly you have enough anti's to make a difference. We owe it to fellow hunters not to bring the game into disrepute, put our own personal emotions aside otherwise the sport will be gone faster than a 243.

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I hate to have to break the news, but the antis already have huge numbers. Popular opinion is that guns are bad. Strangely, most men still actually like them, but the fashion is we're all evil. Simple fact is that rabbits do get exploded, as do foxes and deer. Posting pictures simply means we're not ashamed of our choice to launch 2800 ft/lbs at an animal that weighs 2 lbs. Why should we be? Not broken any laws.


I don't think it means we glorify anything, merely that the intended quarry failed to show and a Consolation Bunny was taken instead.


I don't think it will persuade anyone one way or the other. Most men will laugh, most women will think it rather icky. No change there, then...

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I'm tempted to walk around my office and test your theory but I am very confident it would just court bad publicity from both males & females. I have been in this game too long to have ever witnessed any other sort of reaction.


If you feel this is doing the cause good then carry on, somehow I feel that this just gives further ammunition to the anti's.

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I'm tempted to walk around my office and test your theory but I am very confident it would just court bad publicity from both males & females. I have been in this game too long to have ever witnessed any other sort of reaction.


If you feel this is doing the cause good then carry on, somehow I feel that this just gives further ammunition to the anti's.

Any pictures put up will always be regarded as ammunition by people thatr don't agree with hunting. Even though in the eyes of the law it isn't really.


I suppose the only alternative is not putting anything up at all, which hopefully will never be the case. At least with the .308 it would be difficult for even the most rose tinted glasses wearing hippy to argue that the rabbit in the attached pictures somehow suffered.


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