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super d

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Everything posted by super d

  1. Some nice stuff chesney kid all gamely lads
  2. Any pups of Maggie kid which one is she the black or brown
  3. You say she locks on when you break true that's because she can see what's ahead of her other then that she is afraid . And then you have mixers they get the most punishment and then you have the boy's that get in there locked on and stay till you get to them that's the type I like
  4. Bud no fighting dog in the digging game . The instinct in some terriers is stronger then others maybe a sounder is nervous to push on . When you break true how near is your terrier to the game . I know dogs that would fight for Ireland show them a black hole and they run a mile
  5. Them couples are bad news kid had two bitchs on them Sunday they f***ing locked on to each other what a job I had to sort that shit . Maybe young dogs might not be to bad
  6. lads its all about results at the end of the day . What works for one man might not suit the other man . We learn stuff every time we are out with the terriers because you might dig a spot one way one day and totally the opposite the next its why we love it so much . Let the man learn let the man fail but I know one thing we will be back the next day to do it all again drive and boys and keep hunting
  7. If they only knew how much we love our terriers and the land we hunt and the game they would understand . But they can't because they think we are bloodthirsty savages that don't care but there wrong . We have so much respect for what we do drive on boys and keep hunting
  8. I'ii tell you what it is it's animals talking in cartoons has it f****d the likes of wind in the willows and that shit people thinking that mr toad and Mr Fox and Mr badger would be sitting around having tea parties and then you have the fools out who think there chicken is made in a factory protesting about hunting . Drive on boys and keep hunting
  9. There's no better feeling when that last bit of earth falls through and there is your warrior doing what he knows best love it . All the best for the season
  10. A few of my little fellas getting strong for the years ahead<a href="http://s48.photobucket.com/user/jheffernan90/media/IMAG0448_zpstcwdjygb.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/jheffernan90/IMAG0448_zpstcwdjygb.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG0448_zpstcwdjygb.jpg"/></a>
  11. Ya russell x patt no selyham this time
  12. The one on the left . We have a job to do on saturday for a farmer he has a bit of a problem he needs help with so that fella will be coming with me see how he gets on .
  13. I got her off my brother in law she was the smallest in the litter the rest came very big
  14. No thats another bitch she is great for cover
  15. No believe it or not but the father had sealym in him and the mother is the one on the right she is bull Russell .
  16. Trying to get used to photobucket .
  17. http://s1369.photobu...nmyjd3.jpg.html
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