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About steve2507

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Location
    north yorkshire

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  1. Her younger brother also out of Rocco now 6 still going strong ,ice x storm gear rocks ?
  2. Out of Rocco she was 2 there now 9 year old loving life keeping the chickens safe lol
  3. always respected your view but look back to when bull blood was added into the coursing game , if it wasn't for bull blood we wouldn't have the greyhound we have today to add with the saluki ... I have a saluki x with bull and one with out bull blood , I can guarantee the bitch will kill in under 2 mins anywhere in the country where as the none bull blood dog settles in before he makes a strike I enjoy both but if I need the job done quick the bitch will be used ? You can guarantee your bitch will kill in under 2 mins anywhere in the country, I take it you hav
  4. always respected your view but look back to when bull blood was added into the coursing game , if it wasn't for bull blood we wouldn't have the greyhound we have today to add with the saluki ... I have a saluki x with bull and one with out bull blood , I can guarantee the bitch will kill in under 2 mins anywhere in the country where as the none bull blood dog settles in before he makes a strike I enjoy both but if I need the job done quick the bitch will be used ? You can guarantee your bitch will kill in under 2 mins anywhere in the country, I take it you hav
  5. Double of my old dog that top pic ?
  6. always respected your view but look back to when bull blood was added into the coursing game , if it wasn't for bull blood we wouldn't have the greyhound we have today to add with the saluki ... I have a saluki x with bull and one with out bull blood , I can guarantee the bitch will kill in under 2 mins anywhere in the country where as the none bull blood dog settles in before he makes a strike I enjoy both but if I need the job done quick the bitch will be used ?
  7. both out of Rocco mate cheers ?
  8. Not far the season for the young gun twix and I'll start the older bitch later towards November
  9. I know a few that show it but the owners don't allow them to use it properly they see it as hunting on or buggering off so to speak , then there is a few who point blank won't use there nose or sight unless the owner is pointing them in the right direction ... Then we have the ones that are never allowed off the slip unless they are running something and once they are off they go wild they are free they won't come back to owner the owner gets pissed off dog gets put on merry go round . It's that simple put in the time from young and you end up with a dog that will do what you expect in the fie
  10. like I said in post before he would use his mouth ,he would just run a rabbit till it dropped lol Bag o piss then, same as all these coursing type mutts!?proper bag of piss !!! Till they are mature enough to learn what they are bred for i was only jesting mate lol. Some of these coursing types are good animals, and also fairly versatile I couldn't keep just a point and slip running dog they need to be able adjust and work things out for themselves ?
  11. like I said in post before he would use his mouth ,he would just run a rabbit till it dropped lol Bag o piss then, same as all these coursing type mutts!?proper bag of piss !!! Till they are mature enough to learn what they are bred for
  12. like I said in post before he would use his mouth ,he would just run a rabbit till it dropped lol
  13. I've a few books myself to read this summer but hopefully if I can get my fly casting right it will be spent along the rivers with twix in tow tessa will have to stay at home on them days as she doesn't know how to switch off lol
  14. he's bred out of arcticguns rocco (buddy x roxy) to ne coursers Tilly (pure saluki x saluki lurcher )
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