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crazy ferreter

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Everything posted by crazy ferreter

  1. Your ferret has the cold my dog had the cold there 5 weeks ago she nearly died ...... Give your ferret soup and keep it warm
  2. There hasn't benn maxy where is ferret for years
  3. Yeah rabbits and hears loads of them.....and a lot of pheasants
  4. How do u tell if your Jill is in heat ???
  5. Same happened to me I was running around people's garden looking for her..I gave up hope after 4 days of setting traps and no luck on the 5 day when I came home there she was walking around the garden
  6. I wouldn't get any ferrets from a pet as they won't work get ferrets from a good working stock
  7. I carry mine in a small light weight tool box that I used for my old fishing line and hooks
  8. My Jill that I got this year is hyper jumping and rolling over but when I take her out she is not hyper she just does her work and she is the best ferret I have ever had
  9. you can give her the jill you can get it a the vet for under a £10
  10. i'll ask about for you.....but if you wateyou can get on in march at gosford poultry fair and they are good working sock
  11. if you spay a jill will she still be as good at ferreting as she was before????????
  12. no she's not in heat yet .... i am just wondering for when they come in to heat
  13. thanks.... . i will probally give the to girls the jill jab this year and get a vascetimised hob next year
  14. can you bring her out of heat with out breeding her
  15. this is my first seasion at ferretingand could one of you's tell me is it through that if a jill is not brought out of heat she will die
  16. give him a drink of milk for a cupple of days and then put milk on your hand and then he should lick the milk of your hand instade of him biting you .... it worked for my jill
  17. thanks looks like im on the look out for vasectomised hob
  18. Could any of yous tell me will a Neutered hob bring jills out of heat or not
  19. a good cupple of places were i do a bit of ferreting has a load of warrens but notening in them hardly got a rabbit
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