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Everything posted by MikeTheDog

  1. Poor show the Sussex!...Getting worse every year imo. Was great years ago when it was held at Duncton, doubt I'll bother next year
  2. Just tip the belly out and give the rest to ferrets and kits ....Great watching them push the skin/fur back as they eat the flesh
  3. The greedy little fecks take what they can but usualy give up on the milk at four to five weeks, or should I say the jill preferes them not to take draught...
  4. how many wings would you say they should have a day? Trial and error when you feed proper grub, if the mutt gets fat cut back on the food ... Start by giving the same kinda quantity of wings/meat etc as you do with old type of food and go from there. If it gets like this you should cut back... Like this is better...
  5. Some reckon you don't need to give boosters to your dogs, but for the small price and no apparent side effect I don't think it's worth the risk not giving them the protection. If you ever need to put your dogs in kennels they will need to have had their boosters done.
  6. No need to cut the wings up ..and ditch the dry!!
  7. Had a dog with KC once, took it to vet and they confirmed what I already knew. I only wanted to ask the same question as asked here, vet gave dog a jab and a packet of Synulox and took a lot of dosh from me .. They wouldn't give me anything to give the other dogs as a precaution without seeing them first. Gave them all kiddies benylin and honey ...Oh and changed my vet..
  8. If the weather is OK I'll be there, only a few miles from me.
  9. Gotta have a good temperament imo Guy I know took on a spaniel seconhand, scatty as they come, jumps onto the window ledge and barks at everyone as they walk past the house. To me it appears as if his dog has all the faults that would come to you in a nightmare.. .... He had it covered by another spaniel couple of years back and kept a pup, I've seen two of the juveniles from her litter... ..Just as bad as the dam, now he has two spaniels jumping up at the window..
  10. She seems to have recovered well from that episode REW, had to give her a hoseing down back at the farm yard after that mad few minutes
  11. Nice sea breeze and a light mist keeping it fairly cool where I live, not so over the Downs!..I had intended to bolt a few for Meg' but alas the buries appeared to be vacant, no doubt coney was siting in the woods under the shade from the canopy. So we had a little mouch for twenty minutes or so....just so Meg' could show off her ballet moves.. Pheasant Lake!..
  12. Even a dog in peak condition this time of year will feel the heat
  13. As Millet says, keep their area clean and you will reduce the odour. Most of the bad smell from hob's is their piss, they mark everything they touch/see just like entire cats/dogs
  14. In the absence of a 'jaffa' go for the jill jab!....You can get it done real cheap if you take your jills to the vet same time as you take your dog for its annual booster vaccination. Used to cost me £2/£3 per jill. Also some ferret clubs have friendly vets who come along to a prearranged meeting and jab a large amount of jills in one hit. And if you time it right the jills don't come on again 'til next year.
  15. ....Bag the crap up and sling it out with the household rubbish, same as the dog waste!. :whistle: ...All this nonsence about digging holes ...Unless of course you've a few dozen ferrets then maybe you should think of getting/building one of them worm thingys for compost, very efficient I'm told!
  16. Nice pictures there. How did you get the rabbit to pose?.. What camera you using?
  17. When your dog ignores the recall command hide!.... But keep an eye on the dog obviously with out being seen. When the mutt has finished doing what it wants to do it will realise you aint there and start panicking, when that happens give the recall command again and the dog will be by your side pdq! With your current problem you're only telling your dog where you are by shouting, dog will realise you're nearby and carry on regardless……Try it where there aren’t too many distractions at first then progress to your hunting ground, it does work!
  18. I usually say, "I respect you for being a vegan....Oh, so you're not a vegan!"... That gets there backs up...
  19. Regarding racing greyhounds, I wonder what kind of force is constantly put on their feet when cornering at 45mph. Must really feck their toes, imo it’s not bad breeding. As for Bull types with bad feet, no fecking surprise imo,… they weren’t bred for running!..Just my own thoughts and opinion!.. Edited to add. Look at this pic' and you can imagine the incredible torque/strain going through toes and sinews! Sorry it doesn't look in focus, the full original is fantastic!....But that's just my opinion!..
  20. Gotta be nimble and agile imo, 4x4 mode is a must!
  21. Yea... used that stuff on myself, fizz's out everywhere. She's been out for a mooch this evening, just tem minutes or so, showed no bother whatsoever. Like I said, dogs don't whinge like people..
  22. Great improvement today!.....Nearly all the swelling has gone down and she's tearing around as usual.. Not for the squeamish..
  23. You must have a good market for kits down your way!
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