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Everything posted by B.P.R

  1. I wear boots everyday... and wear them in all weathers...all over the UK.... And have never had wet feet... Goretex cant work properly under a layer of leather... It repels the water away and cant do that in boots... Its a marketing game by gore to get their products into everything... And add a few quid ontop.... Ask yourself this... If goretex lined boots was the be all...and end all... of boots.... Then why do they still sell the leather ones? .... Companies would just make goretex boots and be done with it... they would make more money by selling them al
  2. Its father/son bonding time... building...working stuff out... having a bit of fun ...
  3. Me and my lad spent half an hour yesterday manipulating some piping for a mess about with the stinkers.... It comes apart into 5 sections and can be put back together easily... The 'loops' near the bin is made from 3" piping...so too small for my hob... but the jills get through it no bother... Theyre really easy to make...little bit of graft for then getting up and round..... and gives the lad something to do while i sit and watch ...
  4. You up for it ross? We was gonna go for a walk for some pigeons after... But the cattys shots... sounded like a shotgun going off... So any game within a mile would habe been offski....
  5. B.P.R

    Fao Joe1314

    Just have one thread on independance... then i know what do avoid.... ....
  6. Me and a mate made 2.... took an hour to knock up.... Its just a basic box... anybody who knows how to use a screwdriver can make one ...
  7. Its always the same mate... Buy direct from china... and its a fraction of the cost... The dankung tubing is what?...6/7quid for a metre on ebay from the uk? ... Or its 6quid posted for 10m from china....LOL...
  8. Fcuk that... what about this... on the 'suggestions' ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9FS1bxaGTg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. I sold a couple of boxes to a mate at cost...a while back... perfect wooden boxes designed for transporting cats from cyprus... But i made a small..ish wooden box with a seperate sleeping area... and have kept them in that for 4 days with plenty of exercise and cleaning... Other than that,.. use a BIG cat carrier... Or... An old rat cage with a sleeping box...
  10. Glad to hear this millet... Will probably be getting my whippet spayed this year at some point.... The last couple of seasons she seemed to be really off for weeks... Was worried about the effect on drive etc...
  11. GREAT! ... Thats why i made it... in the hope it would encourage others to give it a go
  12. I dont really use flatbands now mate.... Im converted to the 1745 tubes with the quick attachment slits.... But... the TBG doubles are really good (maybe the best?) .... but i got soooo fed up if attaching them to the forks.... I just use rasps to get a rough shape and then a dremel to smooth it out... then sandpaper... Check out the tutorial at the top of the page... ... Edited to add.... HDPE is difficult to work by hand... id suggest trying a natural or multiplex catty before hdpe )
  13. Yes preferably Goretex lol,I suppose that you walk around with nothing at all on as your skin is waterproof..! Do you swim with a goretex jacket on like? .... ... Look... skins waterproof right? ... And goretex...works in 2 ways... It keeps water out... and also is breathable...to let air out.... and stop the inside getting damp/wet... By sandwiching that super developed material in between leather means that the air cant get out... and cant breath... And the inside will condensate... and get wet from the inside... Namely your socks... Defeating the purpose...
  14. My guess would be the theraband piisses all over the barnett tubes
  15. Better get the cows some rain jackets then ...
  16. It wont pass on an std if you dont go passing it about? ... Its natural... its free (after initial op) ....... Otherwise what? ... jill jab... then she comes back in season... money down the drain... chemicals in the ferrets body... Implant... more money once every 18months or so... more vets... Only other thing i an see similar cost effectiveness to a vasectomised hob is to get the jill spayed... 100+... And thats got a huge risk of adrenal desease.... A natural mating...surely...is the best option all round... The human race is too quick to replace nature with
  17. What a load of Bollox if they are Goretex then they will be waterproof.So if leather is waterproof why would they line them with a Goretex membrane?? Ok. Its bollox then.....
  18. How anybody can say 'robbing cnuts' ...at 70quid for a vasectomy.... When a jill jab...that might not work...and needs repeating... Is only half that.... Is beyond me...
  19. Goretex is just an added layer to label them 'waterproof'.... Leather is waterproof.... you dont see cows needing a goretex jacket when it rains ...
  20. Me and stevie (whipbed ) headed into the wood for some nightine shooting with the cyalumes... We set up a desert poncho as a backstop for safety and also to catch the ammo...or atleast as much as it could... We set the cyalumes in plastic bottles and hung them from a piece of paracord tied from tree to tree... Once we turned our lights off... it looked pretty good and we took multiple shots from 10m out to 60ft.... We also shot at an UN-CRACKED cyalume from 60ft and stevie was the first to crack it.... Then had a competition with an uncracked cyalume each... and
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