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About Dazzam

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    Northern Ireland

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  1. A short video from the other night with my CZ455 .22lr
  2. FERRET SHOW and RACING Ferret Show and Racing will take place in the Countrysports in Acton Arena 11.00am on Sunday 24th June at the Northern Ireland Game Fair in Shanes Castle. Entry per ferret is free. Depending on numbers 1 Polecat Hob 2 Albino Hob 3 Any Other Colour Hob 4 Polecat Jill 5 Albino Jill 6 Any Other Colour Jill Winners of Classes 1-6 to quality for Best in Show Ferret racing will follow immediately after the Ferret Show. Trophies for each class winner and rosettes up to 3rd place.
  3. FERRET SHOW and RACING Ferret Show and Racing will take place in the Countrysports in Acton Arena 11.00am on Sunday 24th June at the Northern Ireland Game Fair in Shanes Castle. Entry per ferret is free. Depending on numbers 1 Polecat Hob 2 Albino Hob 3 Any Other Colour Hob 4 Polecat Jill 5 Albino Jill 6 Any Other Colour Jill Winners of Classes 1-6 to quality for Best in Show Ferret racing will follow immediately after the Ferret Show. Trophies for each class winner and rosettes up to 3rd place.
  4. Thank you Albert! I'll let you know if I able to make it down on the Saturday.
  5. Albert, all the very best to yourself, to everyone at The Great Game Fairs Of Ireland and to all the organisers and those who promote the various fieldsports events on display. I hope the weather will be kind and all involved have a fabulous weekend.
  6. Cheers Stealthy but I just go myself a Hawke Sidewinder 30 TAC 4.5-15 x 42. Hope to get it mounted on the Air Rifle sometime soon
  7. With any shots taken using the primos with the scopecam mounted the rifle butt is supported against my chest, which is less steadier, rather than my shoulder. When out recording I try to take as many shots as possible lying in the prone position but it's not always possible. Daz
  8. Here's a great link for making a diy cradle https://youtu.be/nupDmSf6R8g
  9. Mark, those trigger sticks just spoil you at times though it's still tricky shooting off them with two cameras mounted onto your rifle and trying to twist your neck while looking at the screen on the scopecam. Trying to get decent footage has its pitfalls ??. The amount of rabbits I don't even get a shot at is ridiculous because i've flaffed about too much with the cameras.
  10. Thanks guys for the comments. Villaman if I ever pluck up the courage to talk in one of the videos you'll tell from my accent that i'm from a different part of the country than Hunters Vermin ?? though maybe to you we all sound the same.
  11. Folks here's a link to my latest short video of some Air Rifle Hunting - pest control of rabbits with some shooting at night at the end. Hope you enjoy. Sorry to all those who can't follow the link https://youtu.be/V7srG-sC7ss
  12. Great shooting!! What mod are you using on the AAS510 and do you think it makes much of a difference? Atb Daz
  13. Great write up!!! And good shooting!! I bought a tin of bisley mags to try them out. At 30yards with no adjustments made to my scope from shooting AA Diablo Field they were spot on but I find my grouping is more consistent with the Diablo Field.
  14. Around 27ft/lb. Regardless of the power of an air rifle in NI you still need a FAC. That's been the law for years. I'm not sure what the law states about bb guns, airsoft etc.
  15. Yes Rez they are very long....too long tbh in my opinion but it is my first firearms and I probably should have read up on it more. In saying that it was a friend who sold me it and i got it at a good price and yes that shot at 3:10 was a second pellet ? well spotted!!
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