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Everything posted by Rik

  1. just started taking my Pat dog beating on the land that I work,he's not really a beating dog,far from it he keeps attacking all the labs/spaniels but I run the beaters and do all vermin/P/T keeper on the shoot and so on,anyhow he love's it runs around like a silly chews all the Pheasants/Partridge he can catch and the one's that have been shot (idiot)now all of a sudden he's stopped doing that and he has started bringing them back to me without a mark on them. still does the biz on other quarry but not with birds,does anybody have a Patt that will retrieve? the boy loves it
  2. looks like your old man's got a bit stuck on his chin,whats he been doing to it, lol
  3. all depends on whether or not you are on land that you have permission to be on,if yes then its not much of a problem,does your dog have locator on, if not you could loss your dog If your just out and about walking then sometimes accidents happen and if its just a rabbit hole then the only problem is losing your dog with no locator on how you going to get to it if it gets stuck
  4. Mine used to do that with dogs now he's not to bad, took me ages to break the habit though so good luck mate it WILL be frustrating but its worth it in the end, i use his ball as a distraction around other dogs, if he it to focus on then he is great just plays fetch constantly, or bounces round with the big dog, but if i dont have the ball its head down looking for stuff with the other terrier and ears off lol overall though im really pleased with him as to start with he would just bolt off and i had to go get him, now he does come back unless he is onto something like this morning
  5. got a little Patt bitch 5+ months and shes just the same mate, read my earlier Thread (need some help) go back a few pages My dog Patt will chase if I let him but if I shout at him he will stop but he's not happy about it he didn't take much training at all but he dosen't like big dogs I have to put him on the lead then or he will be straight in to um, Im struggling with the bitch head down deaf as a post but Im workin on her slowly slowly making progress ATB with it
  6. not looking for a FTC just a terrier that I dont have to travel 14mile to get back
  7. tried long leads,and she comes back,keeping her on the lead, walks fine got the sit got the stay all fine, always feed with other dogs no problem,no quarry/sent around comes back every time give her a treat and plenty of fuss off she goes again call/whistle her back no problem,but as soon as she gets the sent of something GONE I shout S T A Y come here F##Kin dog deaf as a post not a chance in hell of stopping her she will return when the sent is lost and if she picks up another sent it takes her further away, bolt on the landscape The trouble is the dog works fantastic hunts like a goodun
  8. The bitch I lost the other week is really doing my head in she just wont come back when she is hunting,its a cracking little dog hunts up really well she is only 5+ months old but I keep losing her it gets its nose down and F**Ks off Ive tried everything to train her including treats on return what else can I do,the women who found her wants to buy her off me for a pet,should I persevere with it or sell and get another,do you think she will settle down as she gets older or will she always do this really dont want to get rid but its really winding me up having to wait all the time for her to
  9. none taking buddy what dose atb mean? atb = all the best
  10. squirlls are a lot harder than rats, bigger teeth and harder bite when they havent been shoot no disrespect to your pup mate atb with it
  11. looks ok mate whats it done (work wise )
  12. any luck with the dog yet mate av you heard anything
  13. Got a phone call today from the lady who found my pup she wanted to buy her off me, said she had fallen in love with her in the short time that she had it at home,I told her that she wasn't for sale at the mo but you never know to which she said are you going to breed her when she is older I said maybe why! she said will you keep my phone number and ring me because I want one of her pups She said that she had never seen or knew what a Pattadale looked like until she had found my pup and instantly loved it DOG LOVERS eh
  14. Ive been training her for the last 2wks by giving her a treat on return and its been working,9 times out of 10 she will return but if she is on the sent of quarry she go's deaf I typed yet and should have typed eye! What was wrong with her eye that they were giving her something for it? And just keep going with the training then, she should be 100% consistent for a couple of months before you try it off lead, do it in small sessions and always keep it positive with her. It is harder for guys, but if speaking in a higher pitched voice wouldn't freak you out, give it a try rather th
  15. Ive only just started working terriers,(worked labs for 25yrs) my terriers are still young the dog is shit hot on rats when the work is there but still to young for foxes yet,but I think he's going to be a grafter the little bitch is hunting well but not really done owt yet,I have mates that have been working terriers for yrs and they will be showing me the ropes this season and they say they dont bother with all this forum internet boll**Ks they know what there dogs can do and done need to prove owt to anyone eles but themselves,and when I read some of the responces to threads on here sometim
  16. Ive been training her for the last 2wks by giving her a treat on return and its been working,9 times out of 10 she will return but if she is on the sent of quarry she go's deaf
  17. thanks guys,everybody happy at home now even our lass if you know what I mean :friends: dog should go missing often just joking
  18. got mine back today john someone found her,hope the same happens for you mate good luck and atb Rik
  19. Hey guys and gals Ive found her 14 miles from home in Scunthorpe someone had found her on the roadside took her to the vets for the once over,and got some cream for her eye and then taken her home kept her over night and the started ringing around,and luckily Id done all the right things regarding contacting me, longest 30hrs ever feeling US, Fecking well happy there is some nice people out there still Thanks for all the support people - - - - - - -sorted
  20. I know how your feeling mate just got back in from looking for my pup again went out with the lamp last place I saw her,I feel completely fecking useless but I'll be up at first light got some mates coming round if I can sleep hope all works out for you atb Rik
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