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Rake aboot

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Posts posted by Rake aboot

  1. Here we go again.


    Most of this thread is utter rubbish.


    I don`t shoot hares, thats the dogs job but the hare shoots are pest control

    If they shoot a thousand, it`s because there is a thousand needing shot. Nothing to do with the ban at all, they have been shooting huge numbers for centuries.


    This really is just sour grapes and because it`s distasteful. The hares are on their estates so it`s up to them to shoot them.


    And no, they don`t do it to keep lurcher men off ffs,

    • Like 4
  2. His asthma is hardly new, he`s had it years.


    21% of athletes compared to 10% or so of the general populace have asthma or sports induces wheeze. To do with working the system harder.


    Like I say, Russian sour grapes but some people will believe what they like without knowing anything about it so crack on.


    The speculation about Wiggo is more about the timings of the steroid injections - just before two Tours and a Giro. And why not before 2011 or after 2013 ?


    He met all the requirements to receive the drug, but WHEN he had them looks a bit suspicious.......

    Blatant cheating anybody can see that...



    Why ? enlighten me ?

  4. In all cases his team had to put forward a request to use drugs for medical conditions to an independent board for review .


    In these cases he was granted permission to use them and did so. There is nothing illegal in this, it was medical treatment.


    The Russian state sponsered hacker have released private medical details and called it drugs cheating. Bullshit basically. Russian sour grapes.


    Athletes are allowed to take medicine for illnesses same as anyone else.




    One of my lads was emptying drop boxes today and this little bad ass was in there. A young hob and full of fight ... If anybody wants him you can have him if you can pick him up bare handed lol .......6EE2991B-5618-491C-BD1F-3959F2CFE1D2.jpg

    that there is a beaut ... bet it sure does hurt if that fecker takes hold the end your finger ..could it not be used to add new blood to a ferret strain or would the offspring be to wild to handle ???

    I did it years ago and it wasn't until the fourth generation that they could be handeled and worked properly .........


    what about if you cull the jill after a week then hand rear them.?




    Eh? Did I just read that right ?? what the utter f**k.?

    • Like 3
  6. There piles of stacked logs all around the highlands where i am,but I'd imagine it belongs to someone lol

    lot of wood gets washed up along the shore i might start bringing a bit home when out with the dog.


    Awrite mate. You moved ?


    My burner does all my heating and hot water as well. Best thing I ever did tbh .

    • Like 1
  7. Get mine cleaned by the guy that fitted it, Mates rates.


    I cut and process my own wood, but have found a tree surgeon with a sideline in logs. Got him in the middle of summer with a cash offer for 2 tipper loads and am sorted till well into next year for £300.


    Still magpie my own wood though, got to really eh ? :)

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