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Rake aboot

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Posts posted by Rake aboot

  1. You`re in luck mate.

    I own a large estate in Devon and my factors are just off the phone complaining about vermin control.


    I`m up at my home in Scotland just now, but I`m sure you could pretty much go where you find vermin and crack on with it.

    If you are asked then just give my name and tell the constable to contact my Devon factors for any confirmation.



    Have at it lad and good sport.

    • Like 2
  2. Saves you a fair whack on a bike bud.


    Rules have changed a little recently and after the payments end the bike transfers to the shop that sold you it, for 2 yrs I think, but they don`t ask for it back or owt. You still keep the bike.


    Saves you the tax, so if you`re a normal tax payer it saves you around 20 odd % or even more.


    Lengthy boring quote.


    In essence, your employer buys a bike for you to ride to work, you ‘hire’ it through salary sacrifice (which is where you save by not paying tax and National Insurance on the monthly fees) and at the end of the ‘hire’ period you buy the bike from your employer.

    In other words, your salary sacrifice is made from your gross salary, not your net salary.

    Hundreds of thousands of people have already bought a bike on the scheme, which was introduced as a tax exemption in 1999 by the government to ‘promote healthier journeys to work and reduce environmental pollution’.

    Some local bike shops will happily sell you a more expensive bike

    Because it was set up to promote work journeys rather than cycling in general, your employer technically remains the owner of the bike once you finish the hire period.

    Everyone knows that in practice the employee is ‘buying’ the bike, but that isn’t legally the case until the salary sacrifice ends and the employer ‘sells’ the now heavily depreciated equipment to the employee.

    In the past, few employers have bothered with the final sale transaction because it was a hassle, so many employees didn’t have to make a final payment. However, that changed a few years ago with HMRC clarifying that bikes needed to be sold at Fair Market Value so as to avoid the scheme being a tax loophole.

    Third-party providers, such as Cyclescheme, now usually offer a variety of options: pay a small refundable deposit to re-hire the bike for three more years (after which the bike is yours for free), pay the fair market value (normally about 18 percent or 25 percent of the certificate value of the bike), or return the bike.

    Most places do a deal to save you having to pay at the end of the agreement.

    • Like 1
  3. Looks awful.


    Up to 500 residents and only 30 in hospital. Talk of people jumping whilst on fire, bedsheet ropes to escape !.


    Place had just been refurbed and they were working on the gas supply to some flats.


    An awful lot of families in the block. Begining to sound almost unbelievably bad.


    Maybe save the speculation until some facts emerge though eh folks ?

    • Like 4
  4. I have stayed out of trouble for 15 years and just been refused. Chief of police said due to my arrest history (38 arrests between 1996 - 2002 which only 13 have led to subsequent charges) they have intelligence linking me to drugs and drug dealers and I rang the the police once and alleged an assault just to ensure that police came to the property..even though I was assaulted. Very strange really. But yeah if you have been convicted of anything the police will never in 100 million years think well maybe he has changed, maybe his circumstances are different, they honestly do not care and they most certainly do not want you to have a shotgun, period.


    Recent development on crime and terror: Seems cars are the weapon of choice and knives of late. Will we need vetting to drive a car soon or eat with a knife, or be refused because we have criminal convictions? Its just because the shotgun is on a pedestal as a weapon of choice and desirable in video games, to drug lords and just a load of rubbish. If the police force had their way had their way nobody would own one, ever. :victory:


    Not being funny mate but you were on a hiding to nothing from the get go.


    No chance you`ll ever get a SGC I wouldn`t think.


    As for the OP join BASC and question why your ENTITLEMENT to a SGC is being impeded. You don`t apply to get permoission for a SGC it`s yours by right. The cops have to have a good reason to refuse.

    Offences whilst a child should not hinder your entitlement as an adult.

  5. I understand why people find it tasteless and uncomfortable but they do it to prove that they have the freedom to do so.


    We ( The Brits) have spent the last nearly 80 yrs taking the piss out of a nation that was decimated during the war (take your pick, Germany or France or Italy )


    Does that make us the same as Charlie Hebdo ?

    • Like 4
  6. L200 Warrior



    My car is a BMW 330Ci, and older E46. Great car.

    That and a Hiace hitop camper, 3 Lambrettas a Vespa and a BMW GSA !


    Feckin Govt loves me likes!

  7. Just a wee hello.

    Not been around much, as in Oct last year I quit my job offshore and have been retraining in an onshore role.

    70% wage cut and happy as f**k about it.


    Been a hard adjustment though but have been cracking on.


    Still stalking. Shot a nice buck last week. Other than that, it`s been a chew to get out with the dogs and ferrets. Have been cycling a lot and have been managing the odd outing with the metal detector.


    Anyhoo, hope you are all well me old chums ! Will be around a bit more now..



    Oh, and less of the PM`s asking for micro ferrets please ffs ! Walshie yah fanny !



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