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Rake aboot

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Posts posted by Rake aboot

  1. My old cocker Kes is sleeping in front of the log burner with my missus cuddling him in.


    14 yrs old and had to have an eye removed today cause he still hunts hedge rows (buckthorn)


    The fact that he`s worked all his days and is as fit as hell is in his favour. Vet refused to believe his age .




    Been worried sick about him all day but if this means I get even another 6 months from this old dog it`ll have been worth doing.


    Looks bad but is actually a neat job. He`ll be back to being a fekin pain in no time.

    • Like 16
  2. He was an employee of Sky and his contract would state that he has a duty not to bring Sky into disrepute.


    He did that when he made utterly idiotic remarks on twitter. He should have known better. He is entitled to his opinion but not to break the terms of his employment contract.


    The guys here scour the beaches, after all night parties etc and always come up trumps

    I have detected a few times on the beach in Thailand and Hong Kong,did ok mate.



    Hate to even imagine what you found on a thai beach :)


    Out tomorrow down the Scottish Borders (not sure where yet, will find out tomorrow) Apparently plenty medieval history to the site.

  4. Fixer. Always have been from when I was skint.

    That and my old journeyman wouldn`t let me walk away from a job without having it fixed.


    Getting harder now as parts can cost more than the appliance.


    Will add though, if I try and fix somit and realise it`s shit quality, it gets binned.

    And also kept the kids in the street supplied with BMX bikes from the local skips.

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  5. Niddrie in Edinburgh was like the wild west. Completely nuts. Trainspotting was filmed there but after it was emptied ready to be demolished. In my youth you would never drink there, you`d be taking your life in your hands.


    The village I live in has a pub called the Gothenburg. Its a Gastro pub now with its own micro brewery, but years ago it was the craziest place you ever saw.


    Some real hard b*****ds drank there from all over the place. Lots from Edinburgh and surrounding came there to sort out their issues.

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