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Rake aboot

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Posts posted by Rake aboot

  1. Hello mate.

    I`m sitting here smoking a big cigar as we speak ! haha bring the mutt down here for a walk and we can shoot the shit about twat neighbours lol


    Long time no speak bud hope all is well., About time we caught up proper.



  2. Nice knife. I`m always looking for a nice homemade folder but not with that blade.


    I would take all the comments on the chin bud , they are meant in good faith, and I wouldn`t insult others with "can`t afford" comments cause plenty can.


    You`ll find that if you make the knife that someone off here happens to be looking for you`ll get a sale.


    Just ask Midnight. I have a number of those buggers.


    Have to say though, a nice antler handle is the best thing you could do to an Opinel.

    • Like 1
  3. Got loads.

    Swallows on my hands, Loads of the old miners round my way had them and I always liked em.

    Arms have a few and I have a few on my chest (agony to get done)


    I like em all. I have my very first tattoo still. Bit faded and shit, but it`s mine.

    • Like 2

    How much would the poacher fetch?

    around the £250 - £300 mark I should imagine rob



    Not a chance I`m afraid. A signed print would make many times that.


    The original would run into 10`s of thousands.

  5. Why should he.?


    If I invited him to my home I`d have the respect to make something suitable for him.


    He`d be making an effort making something I like but to his beliefs.


    Why would that be an issue for you ?


    And the Vegan stuff he`s made tastes excellent by the way.

    • Like 1
  6. Am sitting next to a Vegan now as I type.


    Nice lad, clever and puts some effort into his food.

    Just had a Vegan shortcake type thing with my cup of tea,, Was braw likes.


    Not all are nutters. He actually admires people who take responsibility for there food and catch their own.

    • Like 1
  7. Just take it easy when you first get out and about.

    That area is a bit hot due to a few who are well into the game and not shy about it. The cops are dicks up here for hunting.


    The area is stunning, head a wee bit South and you are in a hunting wilderness paradise mate.


    And chill, Scots don`t hate the English, we just love making them think we do.


    Welcome mate, and my kettle is always on.

    • Like 3
  8. I use a forum called detecting Scotland and they have big organised digs. Few guys do the research and get the permission then 40 or so members go along and pay maybe £7 or so for a days detecting.


    I wanted to try that before annoying my farmers for permission in case I never stuck to it, but like I say, it`s addictive.


    I`ll be hitting a long term permission next week.

    • Like 1
  9. Stay right outside Edinburgh. It`s an excellent place with shitloads to do that you would never think about.


    Old town is great for a walk about, plenty good gigs and hundereds of superb little boozers.


    Museums and gardens are excellent.


    Loads of places very local as well.


    PM me if yeh want. What sort of places you looking at ? culture, mountain biking , climbing, drinking ? :)

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