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Rake aboot

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Posts posted by Rake aboot


    I've been on both sides of this, around 30 years ago while crossing a field with a mate I flicked the lamp on as I new there was a large ditch in the middle of the field, as soon as the light went on I was shot in the back from 70-100 yards with a shotgun, (almost certainly 12 gauge). We left the lamp and battery in the bottom of the ditch and got away, the farmer never even came over to see what he'd hit. Luckily I was wearing a heavy tweed jacket and although the shot went through it, it barely broke the skin. We sneaked back next day and retrieved the battery and lamp, despite my mate being no stranger to trouble ( you may have seen his brother in action at the lambourn lurcher show or him at the derby) there were no reprisals for the farmer, we new the risk we were taking and it was our choice.

    Having since spent years gamekeeping I have on hundreds of occasions had to evict coursers, from individuals to large gangs, I never had a gun with me, never had any trouble and normally had a good chat about there dogs and explained that while the partridges were down they couldn't come back, on one occasion my head keeper chased a car load which then broke down, he towed them miles home.

    A lot of the bad feeling from farmers is down to people driving fields with crops growing, leaving gates open and sometimes smashing through closed gates as well as stock worrying.

    Two sides to most issues.


    Sensible, well reasoned reply fellah...


    There is a time ( and most definitely, a place) for talking about exciting poaching exploits,.disaster stories, illegal forays, etc..... Perhaps the Internet ain't the right location...who knows ?

    Anyway, maybe such anecdotes are best left sleeping,.. for now... :yes:

    My personal take on the situation, regarding dogs getting shot,.and what would ya do to the gunman, is as follows,..Being the son of a Shepherd ,...I have seen what a roaming, stock worrying jukel, can and frequently will do... :censored: I've buried the dead,..both arse bitten woolybacks and canine culprits.

    When you live in a rural landscape,..there are rules,..these guidelines have nothing to do with a romantic Poachers v' Landowners type scenario,..but more so, with basic respect and the need to survive...In short, if a dog is killing livestock, or god forbid, running amok in a pen , crunching pheasants,...and there is no other way of stopping the carnage,..well,..its gonna be short and sweet , gun up to to shoulder and digging spade quickly brought out of the back of the truck :yes:


    But,..to randomly kill a beautiful running dog, for simply chasing a wild hare, a free running deer,..or in some instances, a poxy fecking rabbit,...is just not on...

    Who would do such a thing,....only a fool,...


    "Have I been at the death of a shot lurcher ?

    Have I been threatened by a 'man with a gun' ?

    Have I been shot at ?"......

    What did I do ?


    As stated,...a conversation for another time,.another place... :whistling:


    There are rules,...and both sides of the fence, would do well to abide by them..... :thumbs:






    Ooh you don`t half talk all flowery Phil.

    • Like 1
  2. Your like clock work on here.....'why not pm the man instead of coming on here',il tell you why,for that very reason,it dosn't want hushing up ffs. Ive been pm'd to say there was a thread a while back about the same thing,therefore he has done fcukall,and why soend £35 on a coupling then have to modify it yourself? You wouldn't buy a locator that you had to 'fix' before you used it would you?? If your on here to arse lick for the man don't bother,this is an ongoing fault that can cost a worthy animal its life,use it if you want,its your dog but mine are safely in the bin and thats where they will stay. 'pm him and do it in private',thats whays wrong with you all you have no fcukin backbone and thats the reason the sports fcukd.



    My apologies.


    I didn`t realise you were a dick.


    Carry on.

  3. I have some good pensions and some shit ones.


    I even bought high end watches / vintage vehicles, as if i sell one that will be a years worth of pension money.


    Most modern pensions are shit.

  4. Have a look on jew tube.


    Plenty videos on there on using and setting up machines. Little tricks to help you along when you start out.


    I`m loving it tbh. I don`t dig to dogs anymore, only ferrets, so it`s another excuse for me to wield a spade ! lol

    • Like 1
  5. Pinpointer is a must ! proper pain without one, but you an manage to begin with.


    Garret AT pro machine is superb. And waterproof ! bonus for me cause it rains here. And I`ve a diving set up for doing shallow waters

    • Like 2
  6. Doesn`t have to be 50/50. You set the share and get his to sign your permission slip with the share written in it.


    As said though., you might find it somewhere you`re not meant to be anyway, in which case you found it rabbiting in the 70`s and cannae remember where. :)

    • Like 1
  7. If his like our cocker he will be a manipulative bugger playing the sympathy card lol



    4 am today I was sleeping on the floor with him as he was howling to let me know he was lonely.


    He can`t get in with the lurchers till he heals and hates being on his own, hence ! me, on the floor, with a blanket , at 4am , on a work day ! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


    Manipulative ! doesn`t even come close !

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