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Everything posted by lurcherlad_2010

  1. Nah iv forgot to take on out of the freezer so it's still froze would it be ok to give them
  2. I'm jus. Wondering if it's ok to feed the ferts rabbits still frozen Also how often would you throw one in I have 2jills and a job together but. They seem to never finish one
  3. All where getting down north is rain lol wish we would get some snow tho
  4. They are raking the back out of you
  5. Welcome to the site mate Try the ferreting general talk section
  6. Iv just got a mk3m had it out today for the first time doing hedge sets and I don't know if I'm using it wrong but ended up about 3 foot off Any tips on using it please feel free in pm me
  7. How much he charge for poly nets
  8. Try gumtree or ask on this for someone to come along with you with there ferts ATB
  9. Mines are in my sheds blankets shavings newspaper the lot lol..the haven't seen any rain apart from me taking them out for some Bunnies
  10. Lol what I ment was what you think of the differences between mk3 n m3m
  11. Alright everyone I'm looking a mk3 ferret finder and collar I'm in Belfast
  12. Happy christmas To all on hunting life Also to the frenchies Joyeux Noel
  13. I was out today in the pissing rain and I'm shore I put my Ferret into a fox in a rabbit Hole it went in and you herd a really loud rumble n bang n my hob came Out n never went back in
  14. Lol that pic was taken when I lived at home with my mum lmao
  15. Is there anyone from Belfast that could do with a extra pair of hands out ferreting iv a couple of ferret tho iv no transport willing to get dirty pm me cheers Roy
  16. Just gave a couple away the other day I'll ask a mate if he has any where bouts are you
  17. Was wundering how much to pay for a second hand mk3 with one collar because I don't fancy over paying
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