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Everything posted by lurcherlad_2010

  1. Where would be the cheapest place to get a quickset longnet with basket
  2. Whilst where on this iv my job in with my Jill constantly if he has done the deeds how will I no if she's carrying?
  3. do all jill go in to season around the same time n how long fgor?
  4. I built one today with a old wooden toy box and run pipe out of it around the shed good wee job like
  5. Thanks you's probly fink I'm stupid but only new to the net making Also needle wjhat size lol
  6. Also what size mesh board should I use
  7. What's the best stuff to use and the best place to get it from for making your own nets
  8. Its saying on tele txt that there has been a few searches n four dogs seized
  9. I saw it on the news today as well I'm sure they will have people out stopping dodgy looking vans all I've the country now over that one
  10. is anyone on here selling hemp purse nets at a cheap price?
  11. can any one recomend and good fox digging dvds cheers lurcherlad
  12. as a pup hes a ugly wee f****r now tho lol max 3.bmp
  13. lol did they not get seen dropping a fox up the field?
  14. sorry lads n lassys cant get the vid up i have frigging deleted it by mistake
  15. need some advice i wasgoing into work on day about a month and a half and i was in a wee world of my own as we probly all are at 5 in the morning and i saw a albino fox cub i had a vid of it and i showed it too a friend off here has any one else seen any about in there time?
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