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hogs head

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Everything posted by hogs head

  1. hello nipper a nice dig you had and your dog done well fair play to you

  2. good shotting mate and nice dogs
  3. this is my one she was 4 month in pic she just gone a year Jive her another bit but getting there
  4. the pure bred is on this set along with young lucky and numerous other lucky bred stock along with some guests and well known dogmen pm me mate
  5. tinkers were getting the blame again and why would that be because most of your lads dose most of the theveing
  6. watch man she is a stunner fair play to you mate
  7. hope to be out lads hope you all get good bags
  8. wippetlad 1976 had it up his miss got the van numder and everything
  9. your right he must have told someone that he was away or some tinker b***%*d took it hope you get it back atb hog
  10. you lad out for a lamp tonight

  11. nice one lads dogs done well for you,s keep the hunting up
  12. how much did you use? and was it the liquid pour on or the powder pour on? used sheep dip last time we had mites.... dipped the pups in a bucket up to their ears + sponged down the larger dogs from head to toe. it was injectable solution clean them right up
  13. my dog was like that when he was a pup liam mc this is him when he was 15 month i thinknice pup you got
  14. had a terrier that got mite gave her a shoot of virdamec very same as iovmac clean her right up its for gastro-intestinal roundworm lungworm eyeworms wardles mites and lice. a bottel of 50ml cost me 12E and it will last a very long time :thumbs:can get it any time out of a chemist
  15. thats it lads im out for the night

  16. sadie i must say they are very nice dogs you have and hope that they all go well for you are they all off the same litter nice one
  17. nice one wish they were all like that
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