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Status Updates posted by JohnGalway

  1. burning the candle at both ends is never a good idea

  2. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to AA I'll have to go...

  3. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you

  4. No good deed goes unpunished.

  5. The best way of dealing with shit in life is to make damn sure it flows both ways!

  6. saw a greycrow yesterday when dosing some ewes, brought hmr today, bet I don't see the f****r at all

    1. Malt


      He's behind you!!

    2. JohnGalway


      Even brought it to the hill with me, saw two, who even at 300 yards away took off and went the wrong way (for me). They obviously have been reading internet forums shiting on about how deadly the hmr is at that range lol

    3. Malt


      Hey TBD - Feck off..


      The sheep know when they're on to a good thing, they may act like they don't but they do.. ;) lol

  7. Wrecked tired, want to go lamping, grr

  8. Don't get foggy, don't get foggy, don't get foggy........

    1. paulus


      its foggy and raining here.....lol

    2. JohnGalway


      It's been foggy and raining here for the past three nights, getting cabin fever

  9. Kindly f**k off rain, mist, drizzle, fog, precipitation in general

    1. paulus


      this is the fiorst time ever im looking forward to the summer...if we get one.....lol

    2. JohnGalway


      Summer, I remember them, think I saw one back in the 90's sometime.

  10. Awfully quiet on here lately, where's everyone hiding?

    1. stinkers


      There all stuck in mud in the fields and cant get home lol

    2. JohnGalway


      That must be it, they should get out and walk the lazy sods, lol

  11. God damn fog ruining a good lamping night

  12. I didn't chill enough booze, that'll learn me.

    1. paulus


      another fridge is needed

  13. Nice bit T bone steak about to go on the grill pan, nom!

    1. johnc.


      mouth watering john.Why didnt i think of that lol.My butcher sells T bones with the fillet still on,nice!!

    2. JohnGalway


      Twas delicious! Garlic butter, asparagus wrapped in parma ham and potato croquettes, nom !!


  14. Lost internet connection for half an hour and the shakes nearly set in lol

    1. chris87
    2. stinkers


      oh how true is that im wandering round house lost without the net lol


  15. Kinda glad I never went out earlier, listening to all the sleet hitting the window

  16. Getting windy out now, nice storm brewing...

  17. Have eaten too much, mission accomplished!

    1. JohnGalway


      Haha yeah, all my energy has gone to digestion today, herself is making fun of my swelled belly

  18. Oops, just dented the kitchen ceiling...

  19. It's called stealing, No it ain't Rodney, it's called poaching...

    1. Malt
    2. JohnGalway


      You sure it wasn't a reflection?

      Jesus, that was a great episode.

    3. Malt


      "What's that, the axe man could be having a kip upstairs? Don't worry, the 3 bears would have eaten him by now!" lol

  20. Jingle bells, Santa smells, Rudolph ran away....

  21. Can't sleep, bored............

    1. addicted


      I'm not saprized it's only 630 lol

  22. Last of the cider tonight, going down real easy!

  23. Lying git of a weatherman said it wouldn't rain before midnight...

  24. there's a busy little f****r inside the front of my head this morning, tap tap tapping away with his hammer and chisel...

    1. JohnGalway


      Lol, yeah, or give him jackhammer tomorrow

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