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Everything posted by WILF

  1. Obviously it's an impossible dream but I would like to see Westminster purged of all the political class altogether.......for one term I'd like to see voting suspended and instead people from local communities randomly selected. Local volunteers School governors Youth leaders Union representatives Business owners (small and large) Shop keepers Teachers Police officers Just all put in a hat and 600 pulled out at random, no party politics.......just ordinary folk, many of who are already giving their time for free to try and improve their communities. Get rid of the utter charlatan
  2. How's that then? How's that then?because at the very least the one thing they do have in common is that they don't give a toss about the likes of you and me, they have seniors whom they answer to and they aren't the general public of this country, they have agenda's again they aren't anything to do with the best interest of this country and its people, mind theres sod all choice to vote for one or the other or is there? maybe just don't bother turning out too vote enmass, they are only going to tell you more or less what you want to hear,, once they got your vote, they gonna do exactly what b
  3. How can "born that way" be an excuse for deviant behaviour.......I just don't understand?
  4. How's that then? How's that then?because at the very least the one thing they do have in common is that they don't give a toss about the likes of you and me, they have seniors whom they answer to and they aren't the general public of this country, they have agenda's again they aren't anything to do with the best interest of this country and its people, mind theres sod all choice to vote for one or the other or is there? maybe just don't bother turning out too vote enmass, they are only going to tell you more or less what you want to hear,, once they got your vote, they gonna do exactly what b
  5. How's that then? I can only say how I see it but I'll start with this....... More debt More tax More legislation Less freedom Mostly pro European A basic contempt for every ordinary person I personally see new labour when I look at the Tories and have done for a very long time........
  6. The yids loose at Wembley..........God is indeed good !
  7. I think it's a sad reflection of how the country has gone down the khazi when I read a post like this.......and what's more, I know exactly how you feel mate. I am a proud Englishman, always will be, but I said terrible thing to my wife the other day......we were talking about a few bits and I told her I am never going back to England to live......ever ! I wouldn't go back if you paid me for anything other than a visit, the level of abuse suffered by ordinary blokes at the hands of f***ing beauracrats is terrible. And they just get served up shit in return for all the money extorted out of
  8. If you're lucky I'll only send you to the gulag I think you would probably look rather dashing with a blue rosette old chap. I have said to you from the start I like Corbyn, can't stand his politics, but I could see he was unashamedly old labour despite what all the "professional" politicians and their advisers wanted......and fair play, he has survived despite every knife being out for him. At least he seem honest about it, which is more than can be said for about 600 odd others
  9. Tories about to drop the "no raising taxes" pledge?.........at this rate, BGD will be becoming a fully paid up member of those new socialist elite
  10. No, he is saying it's not natural which it obviously isn't because human beings are Not designed for that. Same as a bicycle is not designed to fly.
  11. It is 16, just looked but MPs called to lower it to 15 but it was rejected.......this time........drip, drip, drip
  12. 14!!!.......when the f**k did that happen ? Honestly, does that sit right with anybody at all ?........so at 10 you are a kid and at 14 you are able to consent and know what you are doing? Are some of you people actually f***ing mental ?
  13. Totally agree mate My brother is gay and literally always has been. Some of the shit he tells me about theatre (he is massively involved) and these weird predatory fuucks is sickening. Propositioning kids who are not sure about themselves! Now my opinion is who gives a f**k what people do behind closed doors as long as it is between consenting, adult partners but kids and at 16 years old you are, is a whole different thing. What I fuucking struggle with is that we are supposed to accept it as norm and see cnuts in the street dressed like dame feckin Edna. Paedos given air time, gays having
  14. I beleive it's 17 or 18 in the republic
  15. We send it underground where (imho) it belongs.
  16. Now then........moving on to Africans........lol
  17. I can see I'm winning a few friends with this one ! Lol
  18. One question, what if they are born that way?.......can you or I say they are not? Wrong is f***ing wrong no matter what way you cut it or age limit you put on things to justify it. Even if they are born that way & not saying they are, it's a crime against a non consenting child & should be dealt with in the harshest way possible! No argument on that. How can consenting adults having gay sex be a crime? who is the victim, you? Because you find it disturbing? A lot people find killing non consenting animals disturbing, they would like to make us all criminals, are they wrong? Mayb
  19. How can you prove they are not born that way ? Because if "born that way" is the excuse for un-natural behaviour then we would be letting every f****r get away with everything.
  20. But what does the sexual orientation have to do with it really? Surely that is just as wrong if it's heterosexual? I suppose, now you have asked, that as a society that we set a medium between the natural age at which the human animal reaches breeding maturity and what we can morally accept as right and proper and in the best interest of welfare. Nature designed male to breed with female did it not ? Nature never designed men to copulate with other men, it just didn't and that is an indisputable fact. I don't hate gay people, I just try and be honest about it.
  21. It's not natural and things that are not natural should not be accepted, I freely admit is does little harm to anybody, but in my very humble (and it seems somewhat outdated) opinion it's the constant acceptance of every odd thing and debauched choice that does the harm. It's a drip, drip effect........as can be seen in things like this (although I don't want to watch it) where a sick f****r can feel he can freely talk about something monstrous.........before you know it, it's deemed less monstrous then someone makes the case for him being born like that and so on and so forth. It's ab
  22. One question, what if they are born that way?.......can you or I say they are not? Wrong is f***ing wrong no matter what way you cut it or age limit you put on things to justify it.
  23. I'm sorry mate and I'm not trying to start a row but I don't see any difference in allowing a 40,50,60 year old man to bugger a male child of 16 to what sick fuckers ,like the one FranceI mentions in his post, want to do. To me, it's not f***ing natural and should be illegal. The more we accept the less it gives us the right to condem. Jmho
  24. The age of homosexual consent is 16, last I heard you were still a child at 16.
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