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About huggy89

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. My mate has a cream cocker bitch pup for sale
  2. Does anyone have a number for him as I am after a good pup pm if ya don't want to put on here
  3. Does anyone have a number for him as I am after a good pup pm if ya don't want to put on here
  4. Was there mate, jst a few people I have spoke to lately have mentioned his line of dogs
  5. Has anyone used dogs he has bred or got his line of dog
  6. Thanks for the replys I am looking for a pup but they seem very hard to find
  7. Does anyone on here work them or seen them work
  8. Patch was off caulfeilds Joe X Bonnie she was off deacon I got patch off Joe when he packed up we the dogs
  9. A think peter bred wilkie out of a Charlie bred bitch to jp wilkie
  10. probley be interbreeding things start getting more white the more ya intrebreed that wht hppens in all the deer parks
  11. Is there jst guna be bulldozer on the DVD or other dogs aswel
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