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Everything posted by Penda

  1. Dies anybody own a radio gram or wireless
  2. Go to the doc about it
  3. I bet he is thinking what a waist manz
  4. It's the flux copasiter you have to change them
  5. Like lambs to the slaughter Dosser
  6. I've lost a few dogs due to running into roads I lost 2 good dogs in 1 fowl swoop but unless your in the middle of no where your always going to meet a road at some point
  7. Out dad's old man owned some good non ped whippets he did more racing than anything with them the storey goes the original bitch was from an old miner and when he went to pick her up she was running round the street think this is the reason why bloke got rid but my dad said they were game dogs but would get bust up when they took them ferreting normally barbed wire was the perp,I had 1 whippet years ago rimrock the breeding was nice bitch but was too timid unfortunately she'd have a knock at anything thing but car door slammed 1 day and she bolted like a race horse I got her back but after tha
  8. I've got a bitch she's about 9 now she's basicly gsd back to a saluki bull grey she's been an alrite bitch for me got hell of a nose on her she's about 9 now I've retired her,I'd deffo go gsd grey
  9. My dog can be called off anything I slip it on
  10. A full grey you say don't let black here you utter those words
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