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Everything posted by mccroryart

  1. Thanks for the comments. If he dosnt make the grade then I'll have only myself to blame. Eamonn
  2. Here is another painting for one of the members on this site. Hope you all like it and get in touch if you are interested. Eamonn
  3. you could also go to tools/internet options or tools/pop up blocker and check that both of your settings are the same. Eamonn
  4. Same here. When the stuff 1st came out I used it on a friction burn I got acting like a young-un on a kids free fall slide. Put the stuff on and it burn like hell. Right at the bottom of the slide at the bit were you hold your elbows and shout obscenities was a sign about wearing long sleeves. And they say hunting is cruel! Eamonn
  5. Thanks for the comments He does have big feet, but hopefully he will grow in to them. The seller had both the sire and the dam and both were definitely whippet size. The dam was pure whippet and the sire was a whippet with 1/8 bull. He worked both dogs. The dam was 4 and this pup was out of out of her 1st litter. She only had two pups; the other pup was a bitch that was apparently bigger than the dog pup. I did the maths wrong he is actually 10 weeks old. I’ll let you know how he turns out. Eamonn
  6. 9 weeks, whippet with 1/16 bull Eamonn
  7. JPT we have some airports here now - no need to arrive by curragh anymore. Just go into any bar order a round and the locals will only be too happy to tell you all about hunting White Tail Deer, Mule Deer & Antelope. Enjoy your trip Eamonn
  8. It should'nt pixelate. The prints are created by the same company that does the book. The quality of the printed books is 1st class so the prints sould be the same. Let me know if you are happy when it arrives. If not I will sort you out with a refund. Eamonn so if i buy the download is it on a disc or do i get it electronically ? what i want to do is print onto injet canvas , i did 2 a4 photos of dogs on some recently & they look really good Kay I use this publishing site for the book which means it only costs about 15 pounds incl p&p. I thought the postage woul
  9. St Bernard/GSD cross 4 ½ cats (the ½ belongs to a neighbour but I feed it) Chickens (some for eggs and table) Fish in a pond And a Donkey Use to have a pig that died in during the foot and mount scare – cost me £5 to buy and £50 to get cremated. Hope to add a whippet when I finish studying in the spring. Eamonn
  10. It should'nt pixelate. The prints are created by the same company that does the book. The quality of the printed books is 1st class so the prints sould be the same. Let me know if you are happy when it arrives. If not I will sort you out with a refund. Eamonn
  11. Hi Just a quick post to let you all know that I have published a book. Its not about hunting but contains a selection of my newspaper articles and paintings relating to life in the Mourne mountains. I have also published a few dog prints to gauge interest. access the following link for details http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=1307074 Eamonn
  12. Nice work again. Once the painting is gone, the photo is the only record you have of your work so I always take mine outside for a daytime photo to cut out the flash. Eamonn
  13. Cant see the images for some reason just a box with an X in it! Eamonn
  14. Robert I would welcome a bit of advice from yourself or anyone else. I’m looking for a whippet primarily to use for rabbits on the lamp but I wouldn’t mind having a go at the racing as well. I don’t know if I should be looking for a pedigree or non-pedigree pup. All roads of advice seem to lead to Mike Brown but is there someone a bit closer with suitable stock. I’m not in any mad rush and would prefer to wait for something suitable. Eamonn mate pm me your phone number might have some thing for you robert PM sent Eamonn
  15. Robert I would welcome a bit of advice from yourself or anyone else. I’m looking for a whippet primarily to use for rabbits on the lamp but I wouldn’t mind having a go at the racing as well. I don’t know if I should be looking for a pedigree or non-pedigree pup. All roads of advice seem to lead to Mike Brown but is there someone a bit closer with suitable stock. I’m not in any mad rush and would prefer to wait for something suitable. Eamonn
  16. Looks like you had a good night. Did you get the photos I sent? Eamonn
  17. I think they are more porous than hens - but I could be wrong. I write the date on all mine and give the older ones to the dog. Keep the nest box clean and they dont need washed and dont let them out until later in the day if you want to find the eggs. Eamonn
  18. The Pictures Turned Out Really Well... Thanks Alana Just PM me if you want the full size image of any of the photos Eamonn
  19. I used to keep pekins (table) and khaki and white campbells (eggs), I still have a few hens for the table and for eggs. Make sure they are egg layers if that's what you want and that they quack (duck) instead of hiss (drake). Keep them safe from foxes at night. They like a pond but will make do with a bucket of water. Ducks lay more eggs than hens but they dont keep fresh as long. Good luck with them Eamonn
  20. Added some photos to this post belfow of the N ireland working whippet club event on Sunday Eamonn http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=67698
  21. Some photos of the event. Kept quite a few back for painting – get in touch if you recognize yourself or dog and would like the full size image. Eamonn
  22. I used to sing in a band a very long time ago. Led zep, ac/dc, thin lizzy etc now just sing when drunk and paint when sober Eamonn
  23. nice one - You should start putting them on your gallery tab Eamonn
  24. Artwork is still holding its value "£50 million diamond and platinum-covered skull by Damien Hirst has been bought by an unnamed investment group ...." I'm not in quite the same league as Hirst but for only 20K I'll do a few paintings. Eamonn
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