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Status Updates posted by Clare

  1. Sun is up I can see some rabbit shooting in my near future!

  2. getting annoyed with people moaning about snow and it been cold its WINTER thats what feckig happens in WINTER, Man up and get on with it GGGGRRRRRRRRRR

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      i want snow so much but we got nothing much so im begging it to snow

    2. festa


      weve got abotu 6" here and its still going i was out shooting in it on friday it was brilliant

  3. bloody hell its even snowing on here

  4. Snow coming down proper now if it keeps it up over the weekend can get out Monday at Mr Fox :D

    1. FightTheBan


      Where abouts are you clare? Cant wait for it to fall here so I can go rattling, had nothing to ground last wee bit and getting really pissed off!

    2. Mastiff


      Lucky bugger, haven't had my sledge out since last Feb! I'm 38, sad I know!


  5. Looks like snow YYAAAYYY

  6. snow due this weekend dogs are going to love playin in it

    1. scrutchy


      not as much as me lol

  7. Off lamping again tonight! bloody cold fingers crossed we clear the last few up

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      good luck weather is shit here

  8. grrr lovely flock of long tailed tits in my front garden on tree and I didnt get one good photo :(

    1. timjim


      damn would love to see some pics of tits, sorry i couldnt resist Lol :)

    2. Clare


      lol alwasy one ;)

    3. Clare


      yeah, I did manage a couple of years ago get one decent pic of them, hope they come back again when I'm more awake!!

  9. Has been out playing with her terriers :)

  10. Last nights bag 29 rabbits and 1 hare, makes 100 in Nov, never known a year like this normally guns are hung up for the winter by now!

    1. tb25


      sounds like you need a dog

    2. Clare


      yeah shooting hares I wanted one for the freezer whats the problem with that, farmer normally doesnt shoot hares but due to the recent amount of poachers we are allowed to take a few!

  11. off out onto mates farm shooting tonight to many bloody rabbits this year we've had 1500 in three months!! dosent even seem to have halfed the number about

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cassshantia


      go ferretting and bag some uo for my area where abouts are you ,you lucky get

    3. cassshantia


      go ferretting and bag some uo for my area where abouts are you ,you lucky get

    4. Clare


      lol yeah a few about im east yorkshire :)

  12. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them..

  13. did end up going lamping last night whooo 22 rabbits and 3 hares in 2hrs !

  14. wishing she could go out lamping tonight :(

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