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Everything posted by lofti

  1. thats a short day out with the stinkers for you Jim,, better than being stuck in traffic tho as you say,nowt worse when you just want to get home ready for a lamp now myself too, Megs raring to go ,,we got a few spots to go to yet that were good last season.can feel a good bag coming on.
  2. theres alot people that shouldnt have dogs but unfortunately do, its good that your bitch had the sense , could of been nasty.
  3. Nice one fellas,,knackering but well worth it tho eh Aaron,
  4. nice bitch mate, its got the racey running gear of the grey to cope with the chase and the strong neck and head to deal with the catch, what height is she fella she is 23" mate
  5. don't take this the wrong way but I've never seen a dog like that in my life! it's neck and head look like it's off a different dog when compared to the body! Is it just a straight bull/grey? yes pal
  6. hope hes ok ,good luck with him
  7. nice one Ray,shame about getting wet thru at the end of the night,spoils the night a bit. at least you got a good bag.Did you not run Buck mate?
  8. he will be wanting a lurcher next no doubt,, nice one fellas sounds like a good night
  9. lofti that's an excellent photo . cheers fella,,
  10. well allot of people dont like hunting fullstop,I BET YOU ARE ONE OF THEM.
  11. ferreting trip at the end of last season
  12. got a few i can put on this thred,,my lad is 9 and been round luchers all his life as i have, i just hope he carries on
  13. Nice one Ern,, better than wizzing them in the Dyke, enjoy the ruby mate
  14. It will catch up with me tonight Jim. I will be nodding of watching tv after my curry
  15. its is nice when you can relax and take your time,you cant beat bolting for the dogs Vin,great fun
  16. just in now from a couple of mile road walk shes fine no limp and wolfed her food down roll on the next black week, snow will be here before we know it too.
  17. she seems fine now cheers, i gave her a tin of them pilchards in tomato sauce with a hand full of biscuits in the day it must of turned her stomach she is normally fine with it. She was farting all the way up in the car it stank and when we got there had the trotts,i could she wasnt her self at all. .Anyway she was bouncing about in the run this afternoon and stomach seems ok.
  18. think they did in the end by the sounds of it
  19. these are mine,all pre ban by the way. dogs loved em. Hardest! Easiest Toughest!
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