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J Darcy

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Everything posted by J Darcy

  1. I use Canon, but I do think Nikon are better. But I've got too much £ worth of gear to change....maybe one day I might. The lens will be far too slow, for taking any decent image on anything other than the brightest of bright days. There will be too much blur that you'll struggle to shake off as you will not have the reserve to crank up the speed. In order to advise on lenses, i need to know what you will be photographing.
  2. I don't carry anything with me, but back in the car I have a bag that has most things in it I will need. A towel, a coat for the dog, metacam, staple gun, couple of bandages, some vet wrap of various thicknesses and some cut and heal. It is a 'just in case' bag and it's come in handy over the years. Quite a few christmas days ago I was out with the dog that I had at the time. He took off after a roe and when he came back he was losing alot of blood. I had nothing to stem the bloodflow until I got home. I was ill prepared, so from then onward I got myself a few essentials together. I hope I ne
  3. IMO they are crap lenses. You'll struggle to use them to their full potential in the UK as we don't get many days that are bright enough. They are slow and you will really struggle to get rid of blur at the longer focal length simply due to the slow speed of the lens. I wouldn't waste my money if I were you, I'd get a different lens.... JMHO.
  4. Great snaps Beast. I was once out doing the terriers with one of the York hunts (about 15 year ago)and I found a woodcock trapped against some rabbit fencing. I caught it and let it go. They really are a special bird. Their migration fascinating! MHopton, I've never struggled to tell the snipe and wodock apart, they're totally different birds in size and behaviour, but thanks for the offer anyway. Way back in 2010 when we had that very bad weather I don't know how these waders survived. I found a dead snipe, frozen and like a bag of bones. You can't help feel sorry for them, when we're sat i
  5. I bet that cable won't take loading too well...
  6. I know my waders... Besides, it's not easy to spot snipe on the lamp. I was out two nights ago taking pics, we spotted the woodcock easy, but snipe , mostly, remain invisible until they jump...
  7. its pissing it down man And........smear vaseline on your lens and the water will run off....
  8. Stop pi$$ing about and get out lamping with the camera you total messer.... :tongue2:
  9. I remember Frenchie telling me he dropped the Atom bomb! And he was married to the top vet in the UK, who, by remarkable chance, was also the heiress of the Cadburys empire,.
  10. Trim off anything loose and then salt water twice a day. it will grow back in a few weeks matey. I do not think a vet can do anything with that. It's not infected, just keep it clean and time. Good luck.
  11. its a damm shame that the usa are miles ahead of is with snaring...what are you useing? some time early next year i might just take you up on that...what they like for sending traps over? They are good. But you will get charged import tax. postage is high, Import tax makes it even higher. BUT they've the best gear, so if ya want it you'll have to pay for it. Snareshop, Minnesota trapline products are both good. buy enough cable to last you a decade... i spoke to outlaw pete about it once and he reconded it was still cheaper...do you have some figures? drop me a pm if you want
  12. its a damm shame that the usa are miles ahead of is with snaring...what are you useing? some time early next year i might just take you up on that...what they like for sending traps over? They are good. But you will get charged import tax. postage is high, Import tax makes it even higher. BUT they've the best gear, so if ya want it you'll have to pay for it. Snareshop, Minnesota trapline products are both good. buy enough cable to last you a decade... i spoke to outlaw pete about it once and he reconded it was still cheaper...do you have some figures? drop me a pm if you want
  13. yeh then they get all infected and start getting maggoted so you take the 17hmr and the springer to the pond and shoot the poor buggers......but we all know that otters like badgers only eat dandelion roots and turnip tops Aye, the otter is a true predator. I was at a fishery the other week, there were plenty of carp laying about, all with just one bite out of them. Fishery owner had tried to fence the otters out, but he'd only used rabbit wire and they'd bitten through that! If people knew the amount of otters about they'd be shocked!
  14. It might be worth mentioning that it is illegal to discard chickens etc into the countryside.
  15. its a damm shame that the usa are miles ahead of is with snaring...what are you useing? some time early next year i might just take you up on that...what they like for sending traps over? They are good. But you will get charged import tax. postage is high, Import tax makes it even higher. BUT they've the best gear, so if ya want it you'll have to pay for it. Snareshop, Minnesota trapline products are both good. buy enough cable to last you a decade...
  16. Otter kill from a carp water . The only sign was a bitten fin, it had been dragged up on the banking and simply left to die. Otters do not just kill to eat, on heavily stocked waters thay will kill alot and only eat a small portion from each. They seem to love carp! That fish was about 6lb, but I have seen ten - fifteen pounders from the same water killed too. This is a water that is far away from a river, it's amazing how far into suburbia otters travel and they never get seen!
  17. HHHmmmm........... :hmm: Lets get a couple of 'mysteries ' posted in this section lads.....
  18. They roost in daylight , mostly in woodland. It is uncommon to see woodcock in the daytime in fields. I think I've only seen it a couople of times. Once in the snow I took a few snaps of a feeding woodcock. Beautiful bird they are when you 'really' look at them. Once photographed a woodcock on the nest......amazing camoflage....
  19. What time scale are we talking about? Month when it was first detected and left? It was late November last year, I ran my fenn traps for a number of weeks, but from the moment the loft was cleaned (I know, I should of told him to stay away) no sign Everything fits except the location. They have pads on their forelegs that allow them to climb drain pipes or brick walls. We had one here a few months ago that managed to climb the fall pipes and squeeze into the loft. Sounded like a cart horse in the loft. Pine martens don't invade houses although they are found in the UK. Beech martens do exa
  20. Squatter. But with little or no wind, they were getting up and gone asap.... Took pics of five tonight on just one field......I know quite a few woodcock feeding fields around me....they have two things in common; they're grass and they're the highest fields in the area......
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