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Everything posted by johnmac666

  1. only falconer who declares to have true greyhound type ferrets is shaun,posts reguarly on another forum for falconers who amazingly bicker about prices, type & breed of ferrets he charges £25 as well & has oreders 50 plus hmmmmm not same person is it dave ?
  2. ha ha im laughin now wayne [bANNED TEXT] u asked wat size it was i never thought to actually get a tape measure out & check, glad they settled hard thing to do get rid of me little fuzballs had them since they was 8 weeks old, i just wanted a working home for them & u did travel a bit of a distance to get it all but i know it was worth it no money exchanged hands for my set up ferrets & bow back carry box except a bottle of scotch which big oz insisted,hope they do you proud & i still stand by my word they dont bite, unless ur bugs & u wont bolt, wayne u mentioned tiks i
  3. wayne some reason cant text on me phone hope all is well with the new ferrets, as soon as i feel better i will take up up on the offer of a day out with you, the ferret hutch n cube look smart can see 1 of the ferrets climbing up the side, they luv that in summer will sleep in basket until winter the hob sometimes sleeps outside in it in winter, still mising em but i did the right thing cheers

  4. charlie i used to always change the batteries every time i used me locator, nowt worse than finding your collar dont work, when they got a bunny that dont wanna move
  5. get onto deben i lost the back ( battery cover ) off my 1 st mk3 before they changed them to mk3m got 1 free girl called debs from deben send them an e mail you never know, atb john
  6. or you could go for implants takes them out of season for approx 2 years had my 2 done last season, i kept a diary about implants & didnt notice any difference in that & the jill jab other than it was same price but lasts twice as long, regards john
  7. my dad god bless his soul had a saying " Best to keep your mouth shut & let them think your an idiot" " than open it & remove all doubt"
  8. sorry mate but i gotta say this what you need to do right now is to listen with both ears ,the best advice you will get for free is being given to you but seems as though you still got your i pod plugged in £ signs are running through your head because you can/maybe sell them & you have a ferret fund just in case, research leave it another 5 years get to know your ferrets,research about breeding, get all the info you need about ferrets & breeding then DONT BREED THEM SIMPLES !! TOO MANY FERRET RESCUES HAVE UNWANTED OOPS I BRED 20 FERRETS BY MISTAKE because it was a good idea
  9. u think your ferret stinks i thought Ferrets smelled until i trapped off with a jumbo jet kick starter ( Fat Bird ) a few years ago in a night club now she did smell worse than ferrets, can i ask what did you think they would smell ?? like roses ?? if you give them a bath they just smell the same a few days after,i just gave up ferreting & a forum member has them now, to be honest mate im going to miss that smell of ferrets, you will get used to it in time, hope all goes well, regards john The joy of fat birds in discos :sick: fat birds need loving too gigity gigty
  10. no sorry mate they gone

  11. u think your ferret stinks i thought Ferrets smelled until i trapped off with a jumbo jet kick starter ( Fat Bird ) a few years ago in a night club now she did smell worse than ferrets, can i ask what did you think they would smell ?? like roses ?? if you give them a bath they just smell the same a few days after,i just gave up ferreting & a forum member has them now, to be honest mate im going to miss that smell of ferrets, you will get used to it in time, hope all goes well, regards john
  12. Look at the bunny baby in that picture . It was born over a month ago. Then factor in that a doe is pregnant for a month . That means that little scuttler was concieved around Halloween . This is quite normal as there is a lull in breeding during the hotter ,longer days of summer and a brief flurry of sexual activity (usually involving the older bucks ) as the days shorten in autumn. Rabbits are triggered into breeding cycles to some extent by daylight levels .Onc e the winter equinox has passed they become more frisky. The recent laying snow by reflecting light and effectively extendin
  13. ive read some shit on this site but your comment confused the f*&k out of me. why ashoulnt he work them till next season ? why not try them again a month or 2 later,or better still send them in with an experienced ferret i started mine at about 16 weeks or so, sure they dont bolt as many but with an experienced ferret they soon learn & if you got them to work why sit them in a hutch for twelve months doing nowt, next you will be telling him to feed on bread & milk as feeding them meat makes them vicous........ps Happy New Year
  14. BUMP For the Celtic Fan, who says the scotch are tight, a bargain
  15. SOLD pending collection friday cheers
  16. im ur side of manchester ashton u lyne want to sell box & collar will not split

  17. for sale MK3M with 1 collar ( magnetic) under 12 months old 100 ovno *will not sell collar or box seperate* manchester area collection preffered SOLD pending Collection Friday
  18. i got some chiken wings & ship load of mince, will have to get some frames make some soup for em

  19. went out yesterday 1st time this season anyways drew a blank all day, had badgers move in on a decent sett so its a no go for that 1 but tried 5 more got nowt other than a run out for ferrets & a good walk gonna leave it a few more weeks see how temperature drops then maybe bugs will move under, fed me ferrets last rabbit 2 n8 from last season so dried food is on menu for next few weeks,spe...

  20. went out yesterday 1st time this season , did from 8 ish till bout 3, covered about 5 setts ,biggest was 20 holer, drawn a blank all day, seen plenty out,but no bugs at home this time last year,same permission different story ,still too warm & loads of cover about & brok moving in on some decent setts has made it even worse & finding tufts o hair about, strange, anywyays still good to get out & stretch those legs & give ferrets a run out, regards john
  21. im fine thanks other than not gettin out ferreting :)

  22. been busy & had teething problems with ferretin partner, bein awkward, gettin fuked off now he dont wanna come but pullin his face [bANNED TEXT] i told him i got some 1 else to ferret with, kids eh hes only 22,speak soon regards john

  23. flicking on the nose can make it worse imo , if you flick a ferret on its nose its like hitting it with a baseball bat, if you are wary of picking them up they will sense it if the kit nips you dont put it back in the cage or floor as it will learn that biting gets him free, kits dont bite that hard anyways imo , plenty of handling, more handling & they will learn hands are good & not food , dont give up on them & , have u tried spittin on ur hand & letting the ferret lick it off ( old wives tail)& then stroke him/her gently, ferretone is another uselful bribe used in mode
  24. very expensive & its the smaller bottle not the large one i paid a £1 less for a bigger bottle off a guy called big kev off flea bay but he has ran out , it can be used as i bribe whilst cutting nails, just put a bit on their belly & they will sit still whilst you clip nails/groom/clean ears/out & general health checks , use in moderation as too much gives them craps, seems to help clean them out if they are moulting, regards john
  25. sorry thats seven not five in the 16 week old kits run not being awkward but have u fed them meat before ? ferrets are food imprinted,the young ones shouldnt be fussy but some ferrets get fussy about food when they get older, i have 1 who will eat chicken wings cut in peices , the other 1 wont & 1 prefers JWB to rabbit, but enjoys killing them, i would have tried them on a bit first rather than waste all that good meat, watch them for stashing it,i was told whatever u intend on feeding your ferrets try to do it when they are younger, btw u got your hands full with all those fuzzball
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