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About mrspinguu

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 15/03/1988

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  1. it keeps me out of trouble I doubt that - the sheep cant tell tales!!
  2. Fantastic as usual, you make me sick with jealousy lol Could look at your photos all day
  3. Yeah still works i just checked its: thepiratebay.se
  4. What a kerfuffle eh! I'd send them an extra something free gratis lol
  5. I can't stand meat on the bone either, or fish with heads on or fat, yuk fat stuff like on bacon or something. Gross and grosser!
  6. I prefer to call it diplomatic To much bollocks around dogs tonight on here Hey I'm just pointing out the 'rules'. If you don't want to be a moderating moderator ill do it! I have a hat and everything! Lol I bet you have...AND a name badge its true but I spelt my name wrong
  7. It's a rare occurrence and most likely influenced by my alcohol abuse but yay! Nonetheless!
  8. I prefer to call it diplomatic To much bollocks around dogs tonight on here Hey I'm just pointing out the 'rules'. If you don't want to be a moderating moderator ill do it! I have a hat and everything! Lol
  9. They can be used legally now mspingu Can they? How? Didn't think any lurcher or terrier was allowed to kill a fox. Thought they were for locating only to then be dispatched 'humanely' ??? I said they can be used legally now i am aware of how they can be used legally. Just pointing out the op's question tis all. The terrier itself can't kill a fox which is what was asked. Unless I'm being blonde and the rum has gotten to me! (Possible!)
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