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Everything posted by booboy2

  1. ffs bud settle down a bit . you said steels where boringly easy for you and I don't edit any videos at all hit me up we can do a bit of live video shooting if you want .
  2. so your to good with steels so your chucking rocks 🪨 . Well done bud
  3. what you lobbing with those pouches
  4. all for sale £21.50 that price includes a bandset and first class signed for delivery . #slingshot #NLS #catapult #catty
  5. just thought I would mention for lads that like the big balls cattyshack.co.uk now does bulk ammo from 8mm to 14mm I think
  6. 3 done tonight in buffalo board tru-oil finish on the exsposed birch ply done and dried now a polyurethane finish to seal from the weather and such all available when done dm if interested #slingshot #NLS #catapult #catty #hunting also finally got this natty finished with a tru-oil finish
  7. they frames are obviously your suited width and hold eh so stick with them bud . that's the problem with 90% of shooters that are finding it difficult to gain accuracy and consistency. is there using different width frames all the time changing there anchor n that .not using there suited width n that .doing everything you shouldn't really
  8. hi buddy I never made the knife no I made a couple of catapults for a guy and he paid me with a box of brand-new knifes so I just throw a couple in with a set now n then
  9. I said I I would never do a gypsy style catapult because me personally I don't like them along with milbros and dead shots. before I go any further there's nothing wrong with gypsy frames there just not for me just like pepsi is cat shit compared to coke n doctor pepper but thats a debate for another day .but i was gifted a 8mm quality strod and handle from a friend at southwalescattys.co.uk so I said fook it .I didn't want to do a standard leather wrap n that so I opted for a paracord frame ( which was alot more work really with stitchen n that but I wanted to put my mark on it as suc
  10. thanks bud I will just stick with the guy I get them from then. being honest I really only use 8.7mm steels I just like the 8.4mm leads in ruff cover at the start of the season they don't ricochet as easy as steels if they hit a bit bramble of a hedge or that
  11. what's Dan's prices on 8.4mm leads bud I pay £8 justnow for 150 8.4mm leads
  12. https://ballsofsteelsussex.com/gb-shop/ used him years he's a good lad like
  13. na I'm not saying there no good bud was just saying there's a very low percentage of shooters have them that way . didn't mean to be deuchbag or that
  14. yeah there folded Inwards bud I've never once been asked to do it on the inside like. no saying it's wrong just it would bug my sole
  15. 8.7mm or 9.5mm steels and no higher than 0.65 In any brand of elastic unless I'm using snipersling yellow then 0.70 .but I know you like a heavy band so I would recommend trying 0.85 South Wales catty band tapered 18-23 the young team that like a heavy band over my way are going mad for it justnow I can't make enough sets up or the south Wales catty 0.75 pink
  16. hi bud listen if you don't know how to work out your active length just hold a measuring tape in your catty hand grab the end of the tape and holding the tape out like it was your catty pull the end of the tape to your anchor point like it was your your pouch lock the tape or get someone to take a note of the length in mm and divide that by 5 and that is your active band length for example my active band length is 170mm (which is 870mm ÷5 ) but I run all my bandsets at 180mm 10mm longer because that way there never maxed out and I and most of my customers get 3 or 4 times the band
  17. you have to find your active length you can't just guess band length bud they bands and that steel size should be penetrating the can with ease
  18. here's the weight difference between a 8mm steel a 8.7mm steel and a 8.4mm lead .personally I don't use 8mm now i use 8.7mm steels or the 8.4mm leads and the only taper I use on everything is 18-23 and no thicker than 0.65 unless it's Sniper sling yellow or green then I use 0.70 and I hunt very well with these like .just thought I would add this mabey help with getting your taper n that fixed for your lead ammo .( I will just put the weights of other ammo I have here so if anyone is is wanting to know the weights there here )
  19. if you've switched to aiming now you will have to find your suited frame width bud or you're pissing into the wind once you find your suited width which is the width that allows you to use the same anchor point and point of aim everytime at 10m say like pouch corner of mouth top corner of frame (ott) centre of target (target set between shoulder and eye height) or if ttf pouch corner of mouth centre dimp on fork bang on target and use same anchor and point of aim everytime that's when you will improve accuracy and consistency rapid cause mind aiming down from eye level and up fro
  20. hiya bud something like this ???????????.
  21. hi bud sorry about the reply time been busy with work and such ??. as for making a frame to your specs!! that wouldn't be a problem I can ake anything really but as for price that really depends on what materials and style your after ?? if you pm me we can go from there ? be anything from £35 to like £55 max really ??????????
  22. I make all my own nattys and cattys I do sell a few aswell like but im no way a pro catty builder . a jigsaw a dremel and Sandpaper and your sorted ? ? ????????? here's some I've done .I've made hundreds now like it's quite addictive ???????????
  23. I found if the shot wasn't in the kill zone 100% they where passing through the quarry that fast that the wound was shutting a bit before then bleeding out and such so you where having to take the dog to find them as they where able to go a bit before dropping ? that was the first few months of hunting and that like now I use 8.7mm steels 70%of the time 9.5mm steels or 8.4mm leads the rest of the time ??????????
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