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stone rose

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Everything posted by stone rose

  1. thanks for the imfo sounds perfect even i might be able to operate it wers the best place to puchase these and wats the difference between the two fugi collar size distance you can find dog at thank you again
  2. to much technology for me to take in which would be the best system to use not relyin on a mobil phone signal lookin to buy but aint got a clue realy all help appreciated thanks
  3. w k theres plenty out there that can do the job very quickly or hang on [BANNED TEXT] it matters thats wat makes proper dogs and legends
  4. truth dog man may offend some but talkin shit about somthin they aint got a clue about
  5. lets start again coursin bitchs right ill name mine that i think are worth a mention feel free to ask any questions lads sooty swoop sandy tess bess nelly penny flo and bonny all a pleasure to own and could all do there job dead of winter
  6. wats the three min thing bit of a stupid statment have you ever been on the field with a top animal w k probley not and never will be and certanly wouldnt be able to train or condition one probley not got the bottle to walk on the field and run one in the hours of day light and before you ask if i do come and find out son of course you wont as for coursin bitchs swoop
  7. i can only say wat ive seen artic top class mate every thing fens said is bang on the money nero for me all day long shame paddy had to be put down would av liked to have seen a few more litters out of him
  8. artic i was waitin bfor you to cotton on how about dillon db squires son if i do ever own a dog which is doutfull defo be called mani lol
  9. mani very good dog and produces pups made of stone nero a very close second imo
  10. brilliant posts and pics by far the best on here great dog man atb be lucky mate
  11. suprised that there aint to much mentioned about caufields joe on here probley the best producer ever just look through all the bloodlines of todays stock aint many without his blood in em
  12. nice to here that mate i kept a couple they didnt amount to much to be truthfull the mother was a real good bitch i won a good few matchs with her like her again
  13. brain dead sheep chaseing b*****ds wat a stupid comment maybe some do but so do most other breeds could be you thats brain dead
  14. b bob was put to a pure which produced beany i used him on swoop which produced one of the best litters of coursin animals this countrys seen so in my opinion he went to bad just look at most of the top coursin dogs for years most outa joe beany x swoop as max would say fact
  15. if you like faster animals have a look at my old dog duke on utube outa the best matchin and producin bitch theres been swoop talks cheap same as video footage same old story people talkin about animals that they no very little about it dosent matter how fast or slow its all about bein consitant stayin injury free and most of all bein able to run the bottomless ground dead of winter not just fen field as well all mine could do that swoop was called a plodder she wernt though just new how to run a hare and would change her style to suit conditios just like flint thats wat proper dogs do
  16. my pal bred snowman i see him and his brother two week ago fine animals the thing is its easy to make assumtions about dogs watchin a few poxy videos my advice would be to get out there and do it and watch some proper dogs not sat behind a laptop alday the fresh air and exercise does you good
  17. easy to sit behind a laptop slatin a dog who theyve never even seen run in the flesh desert breed probley to trashed to walk on to a field and have a run messers
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