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New Member Introductions

Just joined the hunting life forum?
Don't be shy, introduce yourself to the rest of the members here. While we are a hunting forum any productive discussion is welcome. We have some of the top fieldsports fanatics in the UK here who will give you advice and help.

Member Information
  • No posting of illegal subjects or images, the moderators retain the right to remove these at their own discretion.
  • No Use of Txt Talk, this being abbreviated words commonly used in mobile phone messages, in the form of U, [bANNED TEXT], UR, L8R, etc. There is no limit on post length on the forum, so theres no need to use shortened messages that are unreadable to some members. These will be removed as seen and the members warning level increased accordingly...Its just plain lazy.
  • Please try to keep posts constructive. Healthy debate is good, petty arguements are not, they do not show us in a good light as a community or for hunting in general.
  • Anyone found threatening members will be warned and if persistent removed completely from the forum with their email address and IP banned.
  • Try to help the moderators out by using the report button thats available on individual posts & threads which may contravene the rules. This helps us with our job, saving time and creating a better forum for everyone.
  • As a final note, we are all on the forum for one reason, our passion for hunting and the fieldsports it consists of, we must preserve what we have now for future generations to come, at a time when we are under constant pressure from government, anti's and general public threatening our way of life...we must always remember together we stand divided we fall.....


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