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Everything posted by PoCk0

  1. Good write up. Just shows that anyone can have a go at terrier work
  2. Not bad mate. Most hedges are still too thick round here
  3. Anyone in the lincolnshire area know a local place to get any day old chicks? Don't need more than 400 really. Any replies are appreciated
  4. Worst they're going to say is no
  5. I just put a leather ferret collar on them and let them have it on for a few hours. Makes it 100 times easier when it comes to taking them out for real
  6. They can be very cheap to keep. I have a chest freezer which i can keep about 60+ rabbits in and these are used during the months that i don't go ferreting. I feed rabbit in the evenings when the weather is hot and remove the bones the next morning to prevent it smelling. Then i feed biscuits during the day, but they don't tend to eat as much in the summer anyway. In the winter, they are pretty much fed pure rabbit. I also feed the odd egg/pheasant etc to mix it up
  7. frontline spray. best thing for the job
  8. Go for the Mk3m, I think they're worth the money and they do hold their value quite well if you decide to sell it later on. Never had any problems with mine.
  9. This is good advice. Will be much easier than hand rearing and the mother should be able to cope with them. Good luck anyway!
  10. Do the ferrets eat any rabbit? Sometimes, if you feed them rabbit they will associate the smell of the rabbit with food which means they will work better when underground and not miss any rabbits that are in stop ends. Try only ferreting the holes that look used/fresh, even though it isn't the right time of year for it.
  11. Sorry to hear about your ferret. At the age they are now they should be eating solid food. I've got a litter of 5 that will be 4 weeks on saturday too, and they're all eating solid food. Mine seem to like softened biscuit and minced beef. I've never had to foster any of mine onto another mother before but they should be old enough to survive on their own, even though you may have to hand feed them regularly throughout the day.
  12. Are the ferrets actually working and not coming out the same hole each time?
  13. I had a litter of 7 and 5. 10 jills and 2 hobs altogether, so pretty good
  14. No earlier than 8 weeks, best time to see which ones you prefer to keep anyway
  15. Yeh, keep food in there all the time. Nobody likes working on an empty stomach do they? I prefer the MK3 as well
  16. Oh, I see. Suppose eBay would be your best bet then.
  17. Whats wrong with the magnetic ones?
  18. Don't worry, got plenty of work for them!! And yes, most of the warrens are big, 40+ holes in most cases. I feel that if you swap the ferrets round regularly your catch rate doesn't decrease, otherwise the same ferrets working from early morning to evening just don't perform as well.
  19. Haha. Although they maybe aren't 'micro' I do believe in smaller then normal ferrets which are still very good little workers.
  20. Why ? how many ferrets do you go through in a year !???. What you working them on !? Not that I keep every single one from a litter but in a day we swap the ferrets as much as we can so we've always got a fresh pair of legs. Work 4 or 5 per warren and swap them over regularly. Also breed them for several mates and my brother.... Personally I don't see the point in keeping them together, the risk of them being eaten is always there. Just my personal opinion though as I know some people leave them together and they can be fine. atb
  21. Yes, but the jill can eat them all. I need the kits to survive so that I can replace my stock and continue the line. If i don't get any kits one year then it means having to go elsewhere for the kits
  22. When I split mine up I separate them slowly. e.g separate for a few hours then put them back together for a bit, then separate them for a bit longer and put them back together etc etc. Keep lengthening the time until they're completely separated. It'll be worth it when you've got 2 full litters of kits that haven't been eaten.
  23. Not 100% sure, roughly 10ft x 7ft. Thats just a guesstimate, i'll have a proper measure up tomorrow
  24. This is mine, its maybe a bit bigger than the one your planning on but its fully ferret proof so they can run about all they want all day.I've got concrete slabs on the floor to prevent them digging out and a corregated tin roof. Hope these help. atb
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