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About captainpugwash

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 28/08/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    co. durham
  • Interests
    lamping, ferreting
  1. Get yourself some oil based liniment oil (trainers choice muscle rub) and massage it in a couple times daily. Give him 8 weeks lead walking. Ultra sound would be an advantage if u can or portamag. U have done right to rub witch hazel and arnica gel in to get rid of any swelling on the muscle. I hope this helps
  2. Keep doing what your doing although Don't bandage it up just let it heal try and keep it clean best you can and it's pen clean aswel if possible
  3. 281460175351 eBay cheap and works a treat one of mine does the same at times this always sorts him out.
  4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR5.TRC1.A0.H0.Xbark+collars&_nkw=bark+collars&_sacat=0 These work for me and cheap aswel.
  5. £20 kev were abouts are you from mate I get it for £12. That DAF is a rip off for dry food I think
  6. I always get mine checked over off a local greyhound man just to put my mind at ease before starting to work them.
  7. Socks you chat some shite........! I take it this post will get deleted by urself no doubt......but before ya do that do is a favour n judo chop yourself......
  8. Don't run the dog anymore until you have had it checked as if it has an injury that it most likely has and it's hurting the dong when it's running the dog will start to relate pain with the running a rabbit ect..... Get the dog checked over by a good bone man. My mate had the same issue last season.
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