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Stevens line/strain

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there are 1 or 2 boys left that have some of the strong line off him but as for digging to them when they have milk teeth i wouldn't say so even the man himself used to have failures?same as any line

There are still people who have pure Stevens stuff,...they are good terriers,...some are culls, and some are good, just like any line,...some are harder, some are bayers...Stevens favoured a bayer any

Iv'e read some of the comments. Sent six dogs to u.s.a. 1 to WA, 1 to TN, 1 to OK, 2 to CO, 1 to help a job in OK. 3 I bred and 3 of my breeding. Used 6 outside dogs Poker, Warlock, Gin, Dingo, Barney

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Guest busterdog

Nick's base for his line /family of dogs was a bitch called Rags, i'll leave it to Nick if he wants to say where the bitch came from.


The dogs he used on the bitch and subsequent litters were listed by Nick on a previous page.


In john Broadhursts book it says that Nick Stevens was the hardest man to tie down for an interview, he is the most unassuming withdrawn and unpretentious man you could want to meet. After twelve years of knowing him he still second guesses me and try's to confuse me on the breeding.


For the people who wonder why he doesn't give out the breeding, ask your self how many pups would be up for sale with a brand knew pedigree!!


There is only a few terrier men in the country that have access to the ground and quarry that can truly test the metal of any dog or bitch .

For those out there that say they have a dog/bitch with Nicks blood in it ask you're self this... is it being tested to the amount that Nick could have tested it, your dog/bitch might be fine on a dig once a week or on green quarry but could the same dog/bitch work two or three times a day two or three times a week ???

If there is any doubt then Nick probably wouldn't have bred from that dog/bitch.

Another thing that nick stuck to was to never breed from a dog that was under seven years old, in the hope that any faults would have come to the surface by then.

I have known Nick's line of dogs to produce none workers, every line of dogs does ,but as i have sayed before for the amount of pups he produced the "working" ratio was some thing else.

Now imagine the shit that would be pumped out if Nick gave a full pedigree to just everyone,and the stick his line of dogs would get through no fault of his, if he didn't breed it then he had no control on the quality of dogs being used.


Nuttal claims that Nick's dogs were based on his dogs are completely untrue, every line of fell/patterdale has "true to say" some blood from Brian's yard.

Nuttals blood in this line is very limited, Warlock a dog that Nick used , had on his fathers side full Nuttal blood "Blitz & Thatcher"

the only other Nuttal blood i know of is a dog called Barny which he used on his Roxy , Barney was out of jet & Nipper.



Hope this helps and i hope i can convince Nick to come back on.

Edited by busterdog
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Thanks for the reply Busterdog,....yeah, ive no worries about my dog that i brought over from England...he was tested as best he could of been, and i ended up getting him from a guy up North, that owed me moeny...the dog was in a hellish state....matted fur, and his body was so dirty, when he went to take a piss, his sheath swelled like a ballon, then urine would just dripple out!!!...hell of a state to see such a dog....we went and got him from the guy, and i offered him back to the guy that bred him (as was the deal with the breeder and the Northern lad!)...the breeder said i could have him,...he is the best terrier ive ever had...deals with game the way i like, and has never failed on a dig...not a hard dog, as i have mentioned...he was hit buy a truck a few months ago now, and i spent a BUNCH of money getting him right!...after his surgery, he has no back left side hip joint,...they cut the head of the femur, and grinded the socket of the hip joint flat,...all held togther buy muscle now!....he is in shape enough to drag 40lbs of logging chain behind him for 500 yards without stoping....the dog has some drive!...


On RatKillah's first trip over here, he was here three weeks, and the Agro dog was out with us, basicly EVERY day,...i wanted to test the dog fully, over here, on the game avaiable to me...the dog never let me down, not once...i cant take any credit for him...i simply feed him and get him in shape...i didnt breed him, but i would have another from the guy that did breed him in a heart beat!...



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Guest busterdog
Thanks for the reply Busterdog,....yeah, ive no worries about my dog that i brought over from England...he was tested as best he could of been, and i ended up getting him from a guy up North, that owed me moeny...the dog was in a hellish state....matted fur, and his body was so dirty, when he went to take a piss, his sheath swelled like a ballon, then urine would just dripple out!!!...hell of a state to see such a dog....we went and got him from the guy, and i offered him back to the guy that bred him (as was the deal with the breeder and the Northern lad!)...the breeder said i could have him,...he is the best terrier ive ever had...deals with game the way i like, and has never failed on a dig...not a hard dog, as i have mentioned...he was hit buy a truck a few months ago now, and i spent a BUNCH of money getting him right!...after his surgery, he has no back left side hip joint,...they cut the head of the femur, and grinded the socket of the hip joint flat,...all held togther buy muscle now!....he is in shape enough to drag 40lbs of logging chain behind him for 500 yards without stoping....the dog has some drive!...


On RatKillah's first trip over here, he was here three weeks, and the Agro dog was out with us, basicly EVERY day,...i wanted to test the dog fully, over here, on the game avaiable to me...the dog never let me down, not once...i cant take any credit for him...i simply feed him and get him in shape...i didnt breed him, but i would have another from the guy that did breed him in a heart beat!...




Sorry to here about your dog Kye, sounds like it hasn't affected him to much.

Some dogs just need a break and it sounds like he got more than one ;) .

Thats a cracking read mate it bought a tear to my eye, no pun intended and you used the only word that sum's these little dogs up for me " DRIVE" . Good luck with him and all the best :good:

Edited by busterdog
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Cheers mate,...


Its what the dog deserves, simple as that,...what with the price of fuel, air miles, vet certificates, vet bills that the dog has been through, he has cost me a shit ton!...my kennel block sits unfinished because of that last bill, took him to the Univeristy of Missouri for the operation...exspensive as f**k, especially as they said the dog has a 20% chance of working again!...the vet told me, he had never seen a dog like Agro...he was using his lef to walk, just 12 HOURS after surgery!!!...the vet said it was a miracle!...i think its just good breeding!...lol...i wont go to much into it, but the dog was on leash when he was struck buy the truck, and the guy swerved to hit him,...i live in a small town, and i beleave in Karma,....thats all i will say on the matter!...


The dog is great with pups...on a daily basis, he has pups hanging off of him, two or three at a time,...his son on the other hand, is a total dick head with pups, he will try and kill them, and any other strange dog he meets...ok with bitchs, but other male, entire terriers, he will fly into them,...his son started as a soft dog, but as the season progressed, he got a little more grit in him,...the way he is acting now, i think this next season he will be a little grittier,...who knows!?...we will find out when next Fall arrives i guess?


This is the Agro son, called 'Cadno'....there was a bunch of guys on this dig, me, RatKillah, F.R and RC1,...the dig was around the 6 1/2 foot mark, and it took us just over three hours with bar, chainsaw, shovels and elbow grease to get them out...the coon was 26lbs,...this was on a Sunday.



The following day (Monday) we had three coon in a tricky spot under some concrete cattle yards...three other older dogs where tried, and they failed to get the job done...had the wife drop off 'Cadno'....45 minutes later, job done,...




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Tried him over a couple of good bitches, but alas he is a jaffa :(

hello dogrun,

frank spencer bred and worked this terrier and is well aware of its capabilities,

it is because of this it was used as a hunt terrier.

frank is dissapointed such a medoicre terrier has been given the oppurtunity to try to continue a bloodline

especially without informing his former owner of these intentions


I have pmd you frank, but will put this up for all to see.


Mediocre ? last 2 seasons he has been used 2-3 times a week, on some very stiff digs that some lads on here can vouch for.


most of our digs are 1-4 foot, but he has been tipped in v big deep places, last one was few week ago on educated stuff and the dog did 4 hrs 10 mins, never budged an inch. 9ft it went.

dog has never let us down once.


I cant knock the dog till i see him fail !

We didnt know who bred him, i was told he sat in kennels for a season or two( why was he not culled) maybe the rest did him some good ?!, took a couple of months to get him fit and in shape.

If the dog was no good he wouldnt be taking up kennel space !


Atb dogrun


hello dog,

i have replied to your pm before i read your post,

as i stated the words in my post were not mine but the words of the breeder

and former owner.

however i did personally see the dog worked 3 times and it was complete shit.


in answer to (why was he not culled) "my thoughts exactly"

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Come on lads....a bit less of the silly bickering....Cheers JD





The mans come on here with his real name which is fair play . The smart arxes behind the keyboard ask yourself this , have you or did you ever have your own line of dogs ,if so ,which i doubt was there good and bad in that line,was it difficult to keep the line right ,bottom line is the man has his own line which produced some decent dogs from what ive been told ,how many of the computer experts can say the same ? Problem with this game is to many fxcking know alls who know fxck all and genuine terrier men and there dogs are hard to find.In my opinion its easy to see why lads like him get pissed of and fed up with the game . Im sure if anyone has any questions about his dogs they can pm the fella as anyone that has given most of his life to terrierwork and his OWN line of dogs deserves better than being attacked by keyboard warriors on an open forum .


you took the word right out of my mouth



IN REPLY TO jack spratt

i too have seen this dog work on many occasions . the dog isn't the hardest dog iv seen work but the dog gets the job done i have never seen it fail . you put the dog in and dig it out what more can you ask for

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