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BNP in the coming elections...

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I for one don't beleive that the tories will rake over the coals of the hunting bill.

they won't want London to be a mass of rioting between pro/anti/police and have to pick sides

cause you know who they will side with.it will need a private members bill to reignite the debate

and the loopholes in the bill will be well and truley plugged.

as for the bnp being only for anglo saxon, :laugh: Griffin the leader is Welsh,and remember the name of the party is BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY,i can see where some of the welsh scottish and ulster/irish may misunderstand thinking "LOYALIST" take the time and read their manefesto and you'll see they are

not secterian :good:

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On the issue of immigrants ,it goes far beyond what gov is in power .European directives say who and how many come in not our gov .We are the only european country to have met all the directives issued by the E.U.It does say that gov is weak it also says -why the hell are we told what to do from Brussels.Any gov getting into power in this country is only a puppet.Briton is the only European country to let asylum seekers into our society BEFORE they are vetted ,during which time they do a runner and are then just a growing statistic.France turns more away than it lets in.A vote for b.n.p may at least shake up some of the open arms merchants. :realmad: F'ck the *** and keep hunting no matter what the fu'ckers say! .

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It amazes me that people DO :blink: ....the mother of parliments has been reduced to a joke and as for democracy...........dont make me laugh.

Vote for any of these f*ckwits........Id rather mow the fecking lawn :laugh:


You've got to be in it to win it. I suppose when we're all paying for health care and education. £3 a litre at the pumps and we've got a record number of unemployed you'll just shrug and say it ain't your problem? I'd rather people vote BNP than not at all! :laugh:


One group is proposing a law on compulsory voting. Sounds good to me either that or wait until we've got a Chinese style democracy! :rolleyes:

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never mind mowing the lawn get your missis to do that :D take your dogs out instead,as for being in it to win it, well WE HAVE BEEN IN IT FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND JUST LOOK AT THE MESS WE ARE ALL IN NOW. its only amatter of time, befor another bunch of liers cheats horny fat b*****ds get in power to rob us blind, and people wonder why people dont vote, FUBAR UK

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Guest JOEB
The mess we're in is because people don't vote! :rolleyes:


When there is someone fit to vote for, then I will be 1st round to the polling station CJ..................as for compulsory voting, just what this country needs...ANOTHER FECKING LAW TELLING ME WHAT i CAN AND CANT DO :angry:


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Fair comment Joe but it's like the chicken and the egg. The only way decent candidates come forward is when enough people kick up f**k because of the shit that's available... that isn't happening anymore. I agree that there isn't any distinguishing features between the government and the opposition. Never will be until enough people actually exercise their rights in this democracy. The less people actually turn out the more these shower of b*****ds can get away with.


Not voting is accepting your lot and allowing these people to do what they wish. They will continue to make laws that restrict yours and my freedoms until we do something about it.


Do you believe in democracy or would you prefer to live in a society where unaccountable government figures decide when you eat, sleep and shit?

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Guest beachlover
id like to think so but cant see it happening, it all end up too little too late :no:

Have you all looked at this thread? 50 posts! we all care desperately about the shitehole that this country has become and is drowning in.

I don't think most of the BNP could count their fecking fingers, but have you seen how bliar and the rest are running scared in case the BNP get votes? Vote for 'em as a protest vote at least rather than not vote at all. Everyone who doesn't vote is giving bliar and the cycling yuppie their paycheck. Go on, vote BNP and watch them squirm. It might even make 2 shags bang his head rather than his secretary on the desk.

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Guest nitevision

iam only postin again on this because i feel strongly about it,and iv had a shit day back at work,i saw in the sun today an article about the bnp candidates,they all had plenty of form,the worst being involved in gang rape :no: ,i cant vote 4 people like that,iv done time as have many of u on here,its the way ur life can go 4 a while.iam f****d off with the way this country is going,and i worry about me kids and their future,i dont have the answers,nor does the bnp.

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id like to think so but cant see it happening, it all end up too little too late :no:

Have you all looked at this thread? 50 posts! we all care desperately about the shitehole that this country has become and is drowning in.

I don't think most of the BNP could count their fecking fingers, but have you seen how bliar and the rest are running scared in case the BNP get votes? Vote for 'em as a protest vote at least rather than not vote at all. Everyone who doesn't vote is giving bliar and the cycling yuppie their paycheck. Go on, vote BNP and watch them squirm. It might even make 2 shags bang his head rather than his secretary on the desk.

good post matey :good:

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Guest beachlover

id like to think so but cant see it happening, it all end up too little too late :no:

Have you all looked at this thread? 50 posts! we all care desperately about the shitehole that this country has become and is drowning in.

I don't think most of the BNP could count their fecking fingers, but have you seen how bliar and the rest are running scared in case the BNP get votes? Vote for 'em as a protest vote at least rather than not vote at all. Everyone who doesn't vote is giving bliar and the cycling yuppie their paycheck. Go on, vote BNP and watch them squirm. It might even make 2 shags bang his head rather than his secretary on the desk.

good post matey :good:

Cheers. I think it's important that even tho' they don't have all the answers and aren't perfect, at least we know thier faults, especially those who who like some of us, have done time. That's more than we will know about the well-suited, upper class tw*ts until after they have shafted us.

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id like to think so but cant see it happening, it all end up too little too late :no:

Have you all looked at this thread? 50 posts! we all care desperately about the shitehole that this country has become and is drowning in.

I don't think most of the BNP could count their fecking fingers, but have you seen how bliar and the rest are running scared in case the BNP get votes? Vote for 'em as a protest vote at least rather than not vote at all. Everyone who doesn't vote is giving bliar and the cycling yuppie their paycheck. Go on, vote BNP and watch them squirm. It might even make 2 shags bang his head rather than his secretary on the desk.


My thoughts too mate ,Good one. :good::good::good::good:

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I have nothing to say on the BNP


But i've been wondering how long it would be before a political party with the aim of forming an English parliment came into being.

If i lived in England i'd more than likely support that policy. Why have'nt they got a higher profile in the press its the first time i've heard of them.



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