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hunting with my dad

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heres a few photos of my last outings we went for a dig of a fox and i filled the hole back in for the lads . i also went target shooting with my dad and sporting shooter when he was here. we had good fun and sporting shooter fell into the bushes which was a great laugh :whistling::whistling:

i also go lamping with dad and get to cut off the foxs tails which is great.


from sounder jnr :gunsmilie:

ps also short clip











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I went in more brambles, tripped over more wires and ended up in more ditches than I care to remember :laugh:


But when I had the absolute pleasure of being out with Sounder Jnr and his father, I could not have cared less! I really did take to him, he is a sound lad with a great hunting head on his shoulders, he has no hesitation to do something, but yet, likes to err on the side of caution if he thinks he needs to.


And from me falling over in brambles come some accidental but superb photographs which seem to be the best of the lot :laugh:


I hope you keep things up Jnr, and I certainly hope to have the pleasure to hunt with you again at some point.


I've not a doubt in my mind that he will become a great hunter, following in the footsteps of his father, and a lot before him.


Good Luck to ya my man,


SS :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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