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blue merle

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ive bought gear that is reputed to be good and has fell apart in all aspects of its game


Yep, I agree that even with proven parents you aren't assured of getting a corker so why reduce the odds even further by getting a pup off parents who have done little more than warm the straw in a kennel? :victory:

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I went to see a couple of dogs from FREE ADS. One looked much older than advertised and seemed really withdrawn, and another litter was flea ridden, bellies full of worms , and some had sticky eyes.


It would be preferable to get a dog from someone you know, but if thats not an option, you just have to take your chances. FREEADS can be just as much as a gamble as someone like Hancock.



Not having a dig at Hancock, your dead right, you know its breeding, you know that its also unlikely to have seen any form of work. Free ads, I'd never buy a dog from free ads either. You have to do your research and get out there and look at the litters, the parents and the people selling them.

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..I've said it many times before..."theres no such thing as a bad dog..only bad owners"


I'd have to disagree with that mate, :no: as has been said already if it's not in the dog it won't matter how good the owner/trainer is he won't put it into it.

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Guest fight the ban
my mrs has been goin on for years that she wants a blue merle with a blue eye and one brown one.i personally only like and keep the good old bullxs.i use for ferreting as well as the usual bullx prey and do find them hard mouthed,she said i could use it for ferreting which makes sense but yhe only place i can think of getting one is off of hancock but i have heard alot off people putting them down as workers.just interseted in ur thoughts on the matter.cheers



i did not think much of them untill i saw the one my mates hancock sold on here that was excellent

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ive never heard such bollocks in my life of course the parents pass on traits and if you dont work both the parents how would you know if these are desirable traits that we look for in a working lurcher.

you would never hear a terrier man say any old stud will do so why should we do that with lurchers when lurchers probaly see more work than most terriers.



it's called hancock blindness . :) the first case was back in the 80's down in cornwall , even tho the fella comeaway from them he has still carried over the bullshit talk with them , what we see here is the classic signs of it in a progressive state :(


what you must remember is when you get ' the blindness' they state crazy stuff and they MUST be humoured for there own sanity ie:


1. my collie cross does 8 foxes a night

2. it doesnt matter if both parents dont work fox


and news just coming in is something about kind charles making good digging dogs .!!!


we must all understand this is a condition and these guys and gals need our help to try and get them from the 'darkside' , it is not reversable but we can get them to a 'markbrick' state again :) where we can use them for our amusement .


thank you for your time



Ah Bigredarse good to see your still the voice of reason in here I take it your parents passed on their best traits to you then gross Stupidity. Sit yourself down take your medication cause as usual you talk out your arse. Here's a solution then you go get yourself a pup from so called working lines dont do anything with it (you probably dont anyway) and when you think its ready take it out and see what happens. :feck:

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i wouldnt buy a 3/4 bred of him myself, because the sire wouldnt of been fully tested but i would buy a 1/2 bred of him as he has some top bred strains of border/ beardie collies and theres no such thing as a 1/2 cross from working parents in the true sense of lurcher work :thumbs:

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i think undisputed i right when he says its the owner that makes the dog but at the same time i think good parentage helps as well.


one must remember the dam and sire can be the best workers in the world but if you dont put the work in your goin to end up with a shite dog regardless of how good the parents are.

its one of those on going depates that never will be won each to the own. i would rather buy from working stock but thats not to say none working stock cant be brought on to be a top worker. to tell you the truth all a big name i a dogs breeding does is put the price of the pup through the roof

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Guest bigredbusa
Ah Bigredarse good to see your still the voice of reason in here I take it your parents passed on their best traits to you then gross Stupidity. Sit yourself down take your medication cause as usual you talk out your arse. Here's a solution then you go get yourself a pup from so called working lines dont do anything with it (you probably dont anyway) and when you think its ready take it out and see what happens.


lol look who is stupid , read EVERY reply numbnuts and then get back to me lol , yep thats right everyone is pretty much saying the same thing , so bang goes your theory of any dog will do a fox lol


why take the risk of taking non working stock on just to nut it of see it an rescue ? lottery mate nothing more .


now ive upset you undisputed is this when you start getting mates threatning me again lol :)


now run along as there is an arse somewhere that needs licking

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Guest oldskool

there is always hancock threads like this popping up on most hunting sites and they all end up the same, a bitching match that goes around and around in circles... the bottom line is, it takes both a good dog trainer and something good to work with to have a result... anything else is absolute total bollocks... you cant shine a shite and thats it!!!


i'm not directing that statement towards hancock dogs because i havent any experience with them... its directed at the theory about training and entering a lurcher pup... if the previous post is correct then we would have all sorts of crufts shite taking theyre part in the field.. but we dont and never will... i still hear mostly positive things about hancock dogs tho

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Ah Bigredarse good to see your still the voice of reason in here I take it your parents passed on their best traits to you then gross Stupidity. Sit yourself down take your medication cause as usual you talk out your arse. Here's a solution then you go get yourself a pup from so called working lines dont do anything with it (you probably dont anyway) and when you think its ready take it out and see what happens.


lol look who is stupid , read EVERY reply numbnuts and then get back to me lol , yep thats right everyone is pretty much saying the same thing , so bang goes your theory of any dog will do a fox lol


why take the risk of taking non working stock on just to nut it of see it an rescue ? lottery mate nothing more .


now ive upset you undisputed is this when you start getting mates threatning me again lol :)


now run along as there is an arse somewhere that needs licking


So who's arse you licking then?...take more than some half brained comments from you to upset me mate....thats some good logic you use to try and force your ill informed opinions on me. Are you capable of forming independant thought or do you just go with the latest trends and go along with what a group of people say just to be popular and fit in. I stand by everything I said earlier and I still havn't heard anything to change my mind. I have worked pups from both working stock and untried parents and they have all done fox on a regular basis. I'll finish by answering the original question...what's the problem with Hancock dogs...absolutely nothing! :bye:

Edited by undisputed
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there is always hancock threads like this popping up on most hunting sites and they all end up the same, a bitching match that goes around and around in circles... the bottom line is, it takes both a good dog trainer and something good to work with to have a result... anything else is absolute total bollocks... you cant shine a shite and thats it!!!


i'm not directing that statement towards hancock dogs because i havent any experience with them... its directed at the theory about training and entering a lurcher pup... if the previous post is correct then we would have all sorts of crufts shite taking theyre part in the field.. but we dont and never will... i still hear mostly positive things about hancock dogs tho


Ah see how you've gone of on a diff direction with your arguement...the prob with crufts, kennel club is apart from the gundogs none of the other breeds are bred with work in mind. They have ruined the majority of the bull breeds who are not fit for purpose and prob wouldnt last a day in the field. Let me use this anology then see if it helps. Think of a puppy as a lump of clay and your the sculptor you mould the pup into your idea of what a working dog should be and depending on the skill you have you either end up with a work of art or a big lump of shite...hope that wasn't to deep for you. :icon_eek:

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Guest bigredbusa

do you ever admit when you are wrong ? the whole board is saying something totally different , would you take any of it on board ?


not a dig just an observation :)

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